Geopolitical – Week of 03.15.15

Many Democrats want Independent Clinton Email Probe: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Yahoo News | 19 March 2015
To ensure…

The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion
Information Clearing House | 19 March 2015
Most damning language in…

NYPD Continues To Target People Who Filmed Police Choking Eric Garner To Death
The Anti Media | 19 March 2015
They take out their baton and…

ECB Grand Opening with Tanks & No Journalists?
Armstrong Economics | 18 March 2015
Newspaper embargo raises…

The Best “Democracy” Money Can Buy: For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back
ZeroHedge | 16 March 2015
5,900% for oil subsidies, to 22,000% for…

Debt Fight to Dominate
The Hill | 15 March 2015
Such a move would be uncharted…

Putin Orders Northern Fleet to Full Alert for Combat Readiness Drills
Sputnik News | 16 March 2015
Special attention will…

Putin Reappears, Puts 40,000 Troops On Full Alert As Part Of “Snap-Readiness Exercises”
ZeroHedge | 16 March 2015
To hold constant…

UFO captures Putin: Ukrainian kids Make Cartoon Showing Abduction of Russian President
Sputnik News | 15 March 2015
“I know that Ukrainians had nothing”…

State Department Shuts US Embassy In ‘Ally’ Saudi Arabia Amid “Heightened Security Concerns”
ZeroHedge | 15 March 2015
Something is…

This is Why It’s Impossible for the Kremlin to lie about Putin’s Weird Disappearance
Washington Post | 14 March 2015
Why some in Russia are panicking…

Matt Taibbi: Hillary Clinton Is Turning Into Richard Nixon and Bill Belichick
Rolling Stones | 14 March 2015
Didn’t think she should have…

Putin Drops his American PR Company
CNN Money | 12 March 2015
Information war that is…

Terrorism is “Made in the USA”. The Global War on Terrorism is a Fabrication, A Big Lie
Global Research | 11 March 2015
Front to propagate America’s global…

The New Nuclear Age
Economist | 07 March 2015
An unignorable…

The Unkicked Addiction
Economist | 07 March 2015
Power investing…