State Department Misplaces $6b Worth of Contracts Under Hillary
Hang the Bankers | 05 April 2014
The US State Department is unable to explain how it spent billions of dollars worth of contract funds in areas throughout the world
MapCarte 101/365: Silk Map by John Waddington Ltd, 1941
Map Design ICACI | 11 April 2014
BLM Fracking Racket Exposed! Armed Siege and Cattle Theft from Bundy Ranch Really About Fracking Leases
Natural News | 10 April 2014
The Bureau of Land Management says its 200-man armed siege of the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada is all about protecting…
No Legal Means Exist to Challenge Mass Surveillance – Snowden
RT | 08 April 2014
No legal means exist to challenge mass surveillance…
Navy to Unveil Railgun in San Diego
UT San Diego | 07 April 2014
Star Wars-like weapon will be on public display at Naval Base San Diego in July…
Police Conduct Warrantless Bag Searches at Transit Checkpoints
The Bay State Examiner | 06 April 2014
On March 28, the MBTA transit police set up a checkpoint in the Boston Chinatown Orange Line stop…
Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit
The Liberty Crier | 08 April 2014
Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical…
Italy’s Bishops Pass Rule that Child Molestation Does not Have to be Reported
PressTV | 10 April 2014
The recent Italian Bishops Conference has adopted a new Vatican-backed policy which states…
Artists Install Massive Poster of Child’s Face in Pakistan Field to Shame Drone Operators
Raw Story | 06 April 2014
An artists collective has unfurled a massive poster showing a child’s face in a heavily bombed area of Pakistan…
Putin Warns Europe of Gas Shortages over Ukraine Debts
BBC News | 10 April 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned European leaders that Ukraine’s delays in paying for Russian gas have created a “critical situation”…
Angela Merkel Denied Access to Her NSA File
The Guardian | 10 April 2014
Frustration with US government rises over failure to clear up questions about surveillance of German chancellor’s phone…
Japan Pushes Plan to Stockpile Plutonium, Despite Proliferation Risks
The New York Times | 09 April 2014
Just weeks after Japan agreed to give up a cache of weapons-grade plutonium…
French Workers Legally Obliged to End After-Hours Emails
The Telegraph | 10 April 2014
A legally binding deal between employers and trade unions in the French tech and digital sectors…
Putin: Ukraine Debt Threatens Europe Gas Supplies
AP | 10 April 2014
Vladimir Putin warned European leaders Thursday that unless they help Ukraine settle its enormous gas debt…
Japan’s Scrambles Against Chinese Planes Hit Record High
Reuters | 10 April 2014
Japanese fighter jet scrambles against Chinese planes hit a record high in the year…
Brazil’s Largest City May Ration Water This Year, Utility Says
Reuters | 09 April 2014
Sao Paulo may have to ration water this year if reservoir levels are not replenished…
Federal Snipers Train Guns on Family For Filming Cattle: “Outside the Bounds of Designated First Amendment Area”
SHTF Plan.com | 07 April 2014
Federal snipers with the Bureau of Land Management…
Indian Election 2014: Your Interactive Guide to the World’s Biggest Vote
The Guardian | 07 April 2014
The world’s largest democracy begins voting on Monday…
The Red Line and the Rat Line
LRB | 06 April 2014
In 2011 Barack Obama led an allied military intervention in Libya without consulting the US Congress…
Chris Hedges – Our Only Hope Will Come Through Rebellion
YouTube | 31 March 2014
Chris Hedges speaks on 29/3/2014 at the “One Nation Under Surveillance” civil liberties conference…
Errol Morris on Rumsfeld, the Truth and “The Unknown Known”
Salon | 02 April 2014
Our greatest interviewer meets the Bush era’s great bulls*** artist, who has no doubts, no regrets and no questions…
Bush Crew’s Deplorable Return: How Their Reemergence Sends a Deadly Message
Salon | 05 April 2014
Enough with puff pieces about painting, and platforms for their self-defense. It only damns us to repeat the past…
$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department
Cryptogon | 05 April 2014
The State Department has no idea what happened to $6 billion used to pay its contractors…