Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.16

Maine Democrats to Vote on Eliminating Superdelegates
RT | 05 May 2016
Weekend’s state…

Did Cruz Drop Out To Cover Up Kennedy Assassination Connection?
YouTube | 04 May 2016
Thinks Ted Cruz dropped…

Hundreds of Skull and Bones Secret Society Docs Set to be Released
Info Wars | 06 May 2016
Possession of their ancestor’s…

Trump Goes 0-for-3 with Bush family as Jeb Vows to Sit Out – As It Happened
Guardian | 06 May 2016
Endorsements from certain…

Trump: Yellen Is Out as Fed Chair if I’m Elected
Yahoo Finance | 05 May 2016
Not in favor of “strong”…

Trump Picks Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee As Finance Chairman
zero Hedge | 05 May 2016

Who Is Capt. Nathan Michael Smith? US Intelligence Officer Sues President Barack Obama Over Legality Of ISIS Fight
IBT | 05 May 2016
Therefore illegal…

Cupertino’s Mayor Urges Apple to Pay More Tax: ‘Where’s the Fairness?’
Guardian | 05 May 2016
Won’t vote against…

Migrant Crisis: EU Plans Penalties for Refusing Asylum Seekers
BBC | 04 May 2016
Proposals for…

Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s Top Adviser, and his Ties to Pro-Russian Politicians in Ukraine
Politifact | 03 May 2016
Decade …

Texas Leads Nation in Refugee Resettlement
Breitbart | 02 May 2016
Federal government’s stated inability…

Bernie Sanders Speaks at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C
YouTube | 01 May 2016
It is virtually impossible for Secretary…

No Russia, No Clout: Three Reasons Why Germany Wants Moscow Back in G7
Sputnik | 28 April 2016
European countries, including…

Please, FBI — you’re our last hope: The Democratic Party’s future rests upon your probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails
Salon | 27 April 2016
Altered the mindset of…

Iran Warns It Could Close Strait of Hormuz to US
Al Jazeera | 04 May 2016
Cannot make safe any…

NATO Deploys 4000 Troops To Russian Border As EUCOM Chief Urges “Return To War-Planning”
Info Wars | 02 May 2016
Four battalions of…

In South Dakota, a Test Case for Online Sales Taxes
Governing | 03 May 2016
Taxing consequences…

Puerto Rico Won’t Make $370 Million in Debt Payments Monday
AP | 01 May 2016
Center for pharmaceutical and…

Putin Declares Reshuffle in Russia’s Law Enforcement Agencies
Press TV | 01 May 2016
Dismissals and…

Obama Will Ban Questions on Criminal History for Some Government Jobs
All Gov| 30 April 2016
prevent supervisors interviewing…

‘Poison Pill’: Senator’s Anti-Iran Deal Amendment Prevents Passage of Bill Keeping Government Funded
RT | 28 April 2016
four Senate Republicans joined with…

Looting On the Rise As Venezuela Runs Out of Food, Electricity
Panam Post | 27 April 2016
Asked citizens not to leave…

Killer Airwaves: Russia Starts Trial of Electromagnetic Warfare System
RT |25 April 2016
Jammer would…

Russian Satellite-gagging Jammer Field Tests Announced
RT | 25 June 2015
Ground-based, aircraft and…

Chelsea Clinton Hints: With Scalia Dead, Supreme Court Will Make “Definitive Ruling” On Gun Control
Activist Post | 23 April 2016
May not survive…

Chinese President Gives Himself Even More Control Over Military
Metro | 22 April 2016
Xi now has…

Putin Orders Forming of Russian National Guard Force
Press TV | 05 April 2016
New federal body of…