Geopolitical – Week of 05.14.17

Family’s Private Investigator: There is Evidence Seth Rich had Contact with WikiLeaks Prior to Death
Fox 5 DC | 16 May 2017
(Also see Wildcards story) Laptop that confirms he was…

Catherine’s Latest Donation
Go Fund Me: Unsolved Murder of Seth Rich
Go Fund Me | 17 May 2017
My name is Aaron Rich and I am the brother of…

Russian Embassy Implicates Hillary In Tweet Asking: “Who Killed Seth Rich?”
Zero Hedge | 19 May 2017
Turns out we weren’t…

Hannity: Rod Wheeler on his Investigation into DNC Staffer’s Murder

YouTube | 16 May 2017
Discuss his probe into…

Published December 20, 2016
McGovern: A Disgruntled Bernie Supporter Probably Leaked DNC Emails
Fox News | 21 December 2016
At the behest of the director of the…

Comey Admits Under Oath That Obstructions To Investigations “Never Happened”
Zero Hedge | 19 May 2017
Comey: Not in my…

Hannity: 5 Major Forces are Aligning to Take Down Trump

YouTube | 16 May2017
Deep state, Democrats, establishment Republicans …

Steve Pieczenik Special Interview on The Alex Jones Show
YouTube | 19 May 2017
Discusses the deep…

Fake News Factory — Another Disastrous Week For ‘The Washington Post’
Daily Wire | 19 May 2017
Beyond pathetic…

Senate Moves Forward With Bipartisan Bill to Rein in Jeff Sessions
Rolling Stone | 18 May 2017
Thwarting Draconian Sentencing…

What Iran’s high-stakes election means for voters and the world
Reuters | 18 May 2017

Is There A Coup Attempt Underway In America?
Zero Hedge | 18 May 2017
Not a sincere attempt to hold a President…

Kucinich: ‘Deep State’ Trying to ‘Destroy The Trump Presidency’
Infowars | 18 May 2017

YouTube | 17 May 2017
Speaking out on the crisis in a nonpartisan…

White House Says Full Fiscal 2018 Budget to be Released on May 23
Reuters | 17 May 2017

The War Against Trump-Time to Fight Back
Armstrong Economics | 18 May 2017
Appoint a Special Prosecutor for Hillary…

Julian Assange: Sweden Drops Rape Investigation
BBC | 19 May 2017
Impossible to…

How a Pakistani Journalist Exposed the CIA’s Most Secretive Operation
TRT World | 19 May 2017
Subjected to…

Commentary: What Iran’s High-stakes Election Means for Voters and the World
Reuters | 18 May 2017
Unelected pillars of…

Former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes Dead at 77
Fox News | 18 May 2017
Family releases…

Special Prosecutor For Trump/Russia Investigation Is A Disaster
Dick Morris | 17 May 2017
Rosenstein has killed…

Putin Offers Transcript to Prove Trump did not Pass Russia Secrets
Reuters | 17 May 2017
Or they understand everything, in which case…

James Comey Learned his J. Edgar Hoover Lessons Well
NY Post | 17 May 2017
He’d “better…

Manning leaves U.S. Prison Seven Years after Giving secrets to WikiLeaks
Reuters | 17 May 2017
Praise from…

Making America great… again?
Saker |16 May 2017
Longest lasting genocides…

Report Calling Syrian Prison A ‘Human Slaughterhouse’ Comes from Amnesty International, Recipient of Funds from George Soros
Need to Know | 16 May 2017
Violates the organization’s own…

A Successful Derailment Of Trump’s Efforts Is Well Under Way: “The Battle With Ensconced Marxists Is Being Lost”
SHTF Plan | 16 May 2017
Obamacare is a success: it was meant to…

Hamburg Still Seizing Property for Refugees
Armstrong Economics | 19 May 2017
4th far…(current article about property seizing is next).

German Council Confiscates Six Apartments to Help Ease Migrant Housing Shortage
Daily Mail | 15 May 2017
Owner will have to pay…

Was the Election Rigged Against Bernie Sanders? DNC Lawsuit Demands Repayment for Campaign Donors
Newsweek | 15 May 2017
Pending order from the judge will…

U.S. slaps sanctions on Venezuela Supreme Court judges
Reuters | 18 May 2017
Supreme Court assuming the authorities of…

Syria Dismisses US Accusations of Crematory at Sednaya Prison as Totally Baseless
Almanar | 16 May 2017
Persistently practiced by the successive U.S. …

Ousted FBI chief James Comey Claimed in Write-up of Dinner with Trump that President Asked Him to ‘LET GO’ Investigation into National Security Adviser Mike Flynn Because ‘He’s a Good Guy’
Daily Mail | 16 May 2017
Fired off a letter to…

Syria war: Peace Talks Restart in Geneva
BBC | 16 May 2017
What we are…

This Stretch of LA County Freeway Could Soon be Renamed ‘Barack Obama Freeway’
Pasadena Star News | 16 May 2017
Lone “no” vote was cast by…

Trump Doctrine Confounds G-7 as Ministers Kick Can to Sicily
Bloomberg | 15 May 2017
first time in a multi…

Journalist Javier Valdez Shot and Killed in Mexico
Twitter | 15 May 2017

Meet the Press:Full Video Interview: Tillerson on Russia, Comey, and His Relationship with Trump
NBC News | 14 May 2017
Tillerson on Trump…

North Korea: Latest Missile Test Successful, Can Deliver “Nuclear Warheads”
Zero Hedge | 14 May 2017
Not explode upon…

There is Something Very Strange about This Man!

YouTube | 15 April 2017
Senior Advisor connected to…

President Trump Commencement Speech at Liberty University
YouTube | 13 May 2017
Full speech…

The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, A Tour

YouTube | 30 August 2016
Significant progress bringing…63% of…

Trump: ‘In America We Don’t Worship Government, We Worship God’
The Hill | 13 May 2017
Why our elected officials put…

Xi Meets World Leaders ahead of Economic Forum
Brics Post | 13 May2017
Called on Pakistan to…

Trump Picks Al Capone of Vote Rigging To investigate Federal Voter Fraud
Greg Palast | 12 May 2017
Purged 1.1 million…

Germany’s Enthusiasm for Macron Won’t Last
Bloomberg | 09 May 2017
Ambitions for…

Kerry Cassidy: Response to Bill Ryan’s Statement Regarding Corey Goode
Starship Earth The Big Picture | 09 May 2017
2 Camelot whistleblowers have been…

Trump Advisers Call for More Troops to Break Afghan Deadlock
NY Times | 08 May 2017
Pentagon, the State Department, intelligence…

Italy’s Grillo Says French Vote Helps ‘Slaves to an Impossible Currency’
Reuters | 08 May 2017
Pledge to put Italy’s membership…

Macron’s Plan For Euro Reform – Fiscal Union Just Won’t Work
Forbes | 08 May 2017

Local: Local Governments Are Increasingly Buying from Amazon. Here’s Why They Need to Stop.
ILSR | 04 April 2017
Requirements made it impossible…

The Best of Norman Finkelstein

YouTube | 04 February 2017
Political scientist, activist, professor and…

Trailer Bilderberg the Movie

ARVE Error: Invalid URL in url

YouTube | 26 January 2017
By Daniel Estulin. Directed and edited by…