Geopolitical – Week of 05.19.13

So It’s Come To This: Seven High School Students Arrested For Throwing… Water Balloons
Tech Dirt | 22 May 2013
The weather’s (mostly) hot. School’s almost out. And what better way to celebrate summer being almost here than being arrested…

CBO: Carbon Tax an Option to Avoid ‘Catastrophic’ Outcomes
The Hill | 22 May 2013
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) noted Wednesday that a carbon tax could generate “significant” revenues…

John McAfee’s Belize Home Burns to the Ground
The Telegraph | 20 May 2013
Pictures broadcast by 7 News Belize showed the two main wooden structures…

‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Repeal Effort Officially Backed By Sen. Jeff Merkley
The Huffington Post | 20 May 2013
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) confirmed on Sunday that he is proposing an amendment…

Reject President Obama’s Nomination of Thomas Wheeler to Head the FCC
A petition to reject the nomination of Thomas Wheeler, signed by Catherine Austin Fitts and recommended by Blake Levit…