Geopolitical – Week of 06.04.17

Socialism Strikes Back!

YouTube | 09 June 2017
Gold Star Rant…

US Special Forces Join Fight Against Philippines ISIS-Affiliates after 14 hr. Gun Ballte (Videos)
RT | 10 June 2017
Pivot to the East has Gone Hot…

You Better be Prepared to Wage War’:Self-Proclaimed ‘ Politcally Incorrect’ Florida Sheriff Urges Citizens to Arm Themselves in Case of a Terror Attack..
Daily Mail UK | 10 June 2017
Shoot Back, What a Concept..

57% Of Americans Think Government “Works Better” When Women Get Involved
Zero Hedge | 10 June 2017
Political Gender Preferences..

Israel, Saudi, UAE Team Up in Anti-Qatar Lobbying Move
The Saker | 10 June 2017
Qatar in the Crosshairs..

Report: Austria Bans Burqa, Introduces Mandatory Integration Courses
Milo Yiannopoulas | 10 June 2017
The Joys of Soros’ Driven Immigration…

Refugee Rescue Ships Not Acting as ‘Pull Factor’ or ‘Colluding with People Smugglers’, Report Finds
Independent UK | 09 June 2017
NGO’s Drive the Problem…

Juncker Says Europe Can No Longer ‘Outsource’ Protection
Space War | 09 June 2017
US Pullback Begins..

Retired FBI Special Agent Blows the Whistle on the Real Robert Mueller
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 09 June 2017
The Usual Suspects…

James Comey Stars in Another Bad Movie
Jon Rappoport | 09 June 2017
B-Movie Fiction…

Tillerson Tells Arab States To Lift Qatar Blockade: “It’s Hindering The Campaign Against ISIS”
Zero Hedge | 09 June 2017
More Middle East Complexities…

Is It Hateful To Believe In Hell? Bernie Sanders’ Questions Prompt Backlash
NPR | 09 June 2017
Separation of Church and State…

“I’m Sorry” Theresa May Apologizes over Election Disaster but Vows to Lead Country with “Certainty” Despite Relying on DUP Support -as Vultures begin to Circle Around her Weakened Leadership
The Sun UK |09 June 2017
Brexit Changes…

Bernie Sanders’s Religious Test for Christians in Public Office
The Atlantic | 08 June 2017
Religious Pass / Fail…

220 Cities, 140 Million Americans To Lose Amtrak Service; Federal Budget Will Kill U.S. Train Network
Valley Morning Star | 08 June 2017
Amtrak Cutbacks…

Theresa May Loses Overall Majority in U.K. Parliament
NYT | 08 June 2017
More on May Loss…

Strict Action Against Anyone Showing Sympathy with Qatar: UAE
Khaleej Times | 08 June 2017
Keeping Qatar’s Natural Gas off the Market…

Hung Parliament: What it Could Mean for Brexit Negotiations
Independent UK | 08 June 2017
Brexit in Question…

Congress Committee on China Defends its Critical Stance on Hong Kong Against Top US Envoy in City
SCMP | 08 June 2017
Not question…

China Rejects U.S. Report on Hong Kong Affairs
Xinhuanet | 08 June 2017
Affairs of…

Rubio Corners Comey and Lays Rest to Trump-Russia Question
YouTube | 08 June
Only thing not leaked…

Theresa May Projected to Lose Her Majority in UK Parliament
NY Times | 08 June 2017
A hung…

James Comey to Testify in Senate Hearing on Russia
PBS | 08 June 2017

James Comey Being Sued in Bombshell Lawsuit
Freedom Phoenix | 07 June 2017

CrowdStrike, The DNC’s Security Firm, Was Under Contract With The FBI
Medium | 07 June 2017
Outsourcing with the DNC…

YouTube | 06 June 2017
Intelligence whistleblower… Venue now…

Tucker Carlson Just Finished Hillary Clinton
YouTube | 31 May 2017
That didn’t matter…

Comey Opening Statement For Senate Intelligence Hearing, Annotated
NPR | 07 June 2017
In it, Comey says…

The Agility That Governments Need for a Disruptive Age
Governing | 07 June 2017
Big, Slow and Unprepared…

The Lawsuit That Could Sink the Clintons: A 30-Year Murder Cover-up Is Going to Court
Lew Rockwell | 07 June 2017
Justice Delayed…

ISIS Recruiter Who Radicalised London Bridge Attackers was Protected by MI5
Medium | 07 June 2017
Digging where…

How a Far Left Candidate Won in a Deep Red State
Governing | 07 June 2017
A Patch of Blue in MS…

AG Sessions Ends Obama’s DOJ Slush Fund For Far-Left Groups
InfoWars | 07 June 2017
Pulling the Plug…

Iranian Military Blames Saudis after 12 Killed in Tehran Terrorist Attack
The Guardian | 07 June 2017
Our Good Friends, the Saudis…

DNC and Wasserman-Schultz in Complete Meltdown
YouTube | May 2017
Foreign Takeover Evidence…

Donald Trump Picks Christopher Wray as New FBI director, Replacing James Comey
Au News | 07 June 2017
Changing of the Guard…

Qatar & the Rising Tensions in the Middle East – On Schedule
Martin Armstrong | 07 June 2017
The Consequences of the Oil Monopoly…

Alabama Sees 85% Drop In Food Stamp Participation After Work Requirements Reinstated
Zero Hedge | 07 June 2017
Work Requirements, Work…

After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon
Investment Watch Blog | 06 June 2017
24 hours before…

Trump’s ‘Been Clear to Me’ to Try to Rebuild Russia Ties: Tillerson
Reuters | 06 June 2017
No Cold War here….

Why Politcs Aren’t Working
Financial Review | 06 June 2017
Zero Transparency…

Liberal Andrew Robb Took $880k China Job as Soon as he Left Parliament
The Age | 06 June 2017
Global Lobbyists…

US Congresswoman Introduces Bill Supporting Mandatory Vaccines for Employees
Need to Know | 06 June 2017
Wonder Who Donated to her Campaign???

Trump: Touchstone, or Rorschach Test?
Vin Suprynowicz | 06 June 2017
Trump Convert…

Republicans Worried about Leaks Consider Cutting Back Surveillance Authority
McClatchy DC | 06 June 2017
Who Watches the Watchers..??

Exclusive: TV Client Sues Celebrity Attorney Gloria Allred for Fraud, Legal Malpractice
Law Newz | 06 June 2017
Who’s Suing Who…

‘F*** You I’m Millwall’ Defiant Battlecry of Hero Footie Fan Hailed the “Lion of the London Bridge”..
The Sun UK | 06 June 2017
Violence of Action…

NATO Splinters: Germany Says “Has No Choice But To Pull Out” Troops From Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase
Zero Hedge | 05 June 2017
Everything that is against…

Wilkerson: From Qatar to Syria, Trump & Gulf Allies Target Iran

YouTube | 05 May 2017
US Air Base Chess…

Mass Immigration & The Looming Disappearance Of The Dutch Population
Zero Hedge | 05 June 2017
Mass Immigration, Loss of a Culture….

Hostility To Asset Forfeiture Growing On Supreme Court
Daily Caller | 05 June 2017
About Time…

The Manchester Bombing: Blowback from British State Collusion with Jihadists Abroad
Medium | 03 June 2017
State Building Consequences…

Nearly 50,000 Urge Trump to Probe Seth Rich Murder
World Net Daily | 05 June 2017
Grass Roots Push for Serious Investigation…

Washington’s Empire Is Not Unraveling
Paul Craig Roberts | 05 June 2017
MIC Still Large and In Charge…

It’s A “Geopolitical Earthquake”: A Stunned World Responds After Saudi Alliance Cuts All Ties With Qatar
Zero Hedge | 05 June 2017
Qatar Singled Out…

Evergreen Faculty Demand “Investigation” into Professor Who Dissented from No-Whites Day..
Washington Times | 05 June 2017
Witch Trials Return…

“Create Your Re-Education Camp On Your Own Dime” – Lawmakers Propose Defunding Evergreen College
Zero Hedge | 05 June 2017
Economic Realties…

As New Threat Briefly Closes Evergreen State, Students Rip Legislation That Would Cut Its Funding
The Chronicle | 05 June 2017
Evergreen Cultural Revolution Fallout…

Dear Great Britain – Blame Your Intelligence Agencies & Government, Not The Internet
Zero Hedge | 06 June 2017
Response to B(lame) Excuse…

London Terror Attack Saves Conservatives in Election Polls
Wiki | 07 May 2017
Another Amazing Coincidence…

NBC Edited Out Putin’s Hard Truths-Here’s What you Missed
YouTube | 06 June 2017
Putin Pulls Zero Punches…

Is Putin the Enemy or a Distraction?

YouTube | 05 June 2017
Senior Editor Paul Jay…

British Prime Minister Calls For International Internet Regulations To Combat Terrorism
The Daily Caller | 04 June 2017
The Internet is to B(lame)…

Kentucky Social Security Lawyer Who Stole Nearly $600M from Government Disappears
NY Daily News | 04 June 2017
Imagine That..

Standing Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of “Surveillance-Industrial Complex”
The Intercept | 03 June 2017
Surveillance State.Inc….

Latest Solari $25.00 Donation
House on Fire – Investigative Documentary Series
IndieGoGo| June 2017
How the Game was Rigged in NC…

Boeing, Lockheed Martin Expect to Get $78bn from Saudi Deal
Press TV | 03 June 2017
MIC Payday….

NSA Won’t Release Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Tape – Claims “National Security”
Freedom Outpost | 31 May 2017
Clinton Scandals Cont’d…

US Committee on Judiciary Opens Probe into Hillary’s Links to Yunus to Sway Hasina
BD News 24 | 03 June 2017
Yet Another Clinton Scandal…

Africa Subsidies the Rest of the World by Over $40B in One Year, According to new Research
Global Justice | 23 May 2017
The Pillage Continues..