Geopolitical – Week of 06.05.16

The Plan from the Beginning: “The Lesser of Two Evils”
Colorado Public Banking | 07 June 2016
Keep the people busy wit…

Putin Backs ‘Just’ Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Times of Israel | 07 June 2016
Weaponry to Iran…

Britain’s EU Referendum: The Economist’s “Brexit” poll-tracker
Economist | 06 June 2016
Interactive poll-tracker…

Ralph Nader: It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over for Bernie Sanders
Time | 10 June 2016
Revelations are…

Syrian Forces Sever Main Daesh Route Into Turkey
Sputnik News | 11 June 2016
City itself remains…

America’s Third Party President? Poll Shows 48% Want Bernie to Stay in Race
Sputnik News | 11 June 2016
Consistent with recent public approval polls showing…

STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
State of the Nation | 11 September 2015
Profound flaws and extreme…

Still Time to Ditch Clinton
Undernews | 06 June 2016
Race would…

White House Calls FBI Probe into Clinton’s Classified Emails a ‘Criminal Investigation’ – to Glee of Republicans – on the Same Day Obama Endorses Her
Daily Mail | 10 June 2016
10 years in prison, even…negligence…

How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
ABC News | 10 June 2016
Much more to this story…

States can Restrict Concealed Weapons, Appeals Court Says
CNN | 09 June 2016
New showdown…

Why The Ninth Circuit’s Concealed-Carry Gun Ruling Is Nonsense
Forbes | 10 June 2016
(See summary opinion below) I expose the excesses of the bureaucracy…

US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cirtuit Opinion Concealed- Carry
US Courts | 09 June 2016
Opinion PDF…

France and Germany Will Decide the EU’s Fate
Stratfor | 09 June 2016
Voters are growing…

The Lion City II – Majulah
Vimeo | 09 June 2016
Over the years…

Israel to Receive ‘Largest Military Aid Package in US History’
Sputnik | 08 June 2016
Necessity of a peaceful two-state…

The End of the Old Israel: How Netanyahu Has Transformed the Nation
Foreign Affairs | 08 June 2016
Trends have…

Clinton vs. Trump: The Best Argument For Limited Government Yet
Investors | 08 June 2016
Disregard for national…anything like coherent foreign…

Oklahoma Cops Can Now Seize Money From Prepaid Debit Cards, Without Filing Criminal Charges
Forbes | 08 June 2016
Mimics Oklahoma law, which allows…

Voters Don’t Trust Judges But Think Politicians Should Leave Them Alone
Rasmussen Reports | 08 June 2016
Think instead that most judges let…

Bilderberg Group Meeting: What Actually Happens at the World’s most Secretive Gathering of Global Elites, and Who is Attending?
Independent | 08 June 2016
Paying attention to the future fortunes of…

The Alternative Viewpoint: The 5 Scenarios Of Donald Trump
Zero Hedge | 08 June 2016
The choice is clear there…

A Guide To Britain’s ‘Brexit’ Vote
NPR | 08 June 2016
Big issues…

Britain’s Defiant Judges Fight Back Against Europe’s Imperial Court
Telegraph | 08 June 2016
Charter of Fundamental Rights legally…

Bernie Sanders Pledges to Stay in Race
CNN | 08 June 2016

The Incredible Crushing Despair of the White Working Class
Washington Post | 07 June 2016
Compare themselves to “reference…

Euroskepticism Beyond Brexit
Pew Global | 07 June 2016
Significant opposition in…

How California is Being Stolen from Sanders Right Now
Greg Palast | 07 June 2016
Steal is baked…

New York Just Launched a Blatantly Unconstitutional Attack on Your Freedom of Speech
Activist Post | 07 June 2016
Political leaders who assist in…

US Aid to Israel is “Single Largest Military Assistance Package in American History”
BIN | 07 June2016
Desperately needs to…

Shut Down the Democratic National Convention
ICH | 07 June 2016
Recapture our democracy in…

Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media
Intercept | 07 June 2016
Ground that the superdelegates do not…

Hillary Clinton: Electing a Foreign Spy for President?
ICH | 07 June 2016
Clinton’s High Crimes…

What’s Exceptional about American Exceptionalism?
Journal of American Greatness | 07 June 2016
Wisdom of the American Founders…

The Umman Manda: Thirty Years Ago, Most Americans Felt They Could Relate to the People Who Ruled Over Them
Burning Platform | 07 June 2016
Divide that has opened up…

BOOM! Hillary Clinton CAUGHT COLLUDING With AP to Announce Delegate Win Before California!
Gateway Pundit | 07 June 2016

Nato Countries begin Largest War Game in Eastern Europe since Cold War
Guardian | 06 June 2016
31,000 troops and thousands of…

Clinton Refuses to Say Gun Ownership a Constitutional Right
WE | 05 June 2016
Not what I asked…

Clinton-backed College Seeks Cash Amid $4.7 Billion Debt
WND | 05 June 2016
State Department funneled at least $55 million to…

MIT Commencement Speaker Matt Damon

You Tube | 03 June 2016
Don’t miss minutes 8-9:30…comments to the Bankers…

Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad
NY TImes | 06 June 2016
A stable of wealthy clients from the United States…

Hillary Campaign Rocked By Secret Service Agent Book Exposing Clintons’ Dirty Laundry
Zero Hedge | 05 June 2016
Crisis of character…

Bilderberg 2016: We can expect desperate lobbying against Brexit from Big Business
IB Times | 06 June 2016
Future of their beloved free…

Clinton Clinches Democratic Nomination: AP Delegate Count
Reuters | 06 June 2016
Clinton has…pledged delegates…support of…superdelegates…

He sold a $40 printer. Then he was sued in Indiana for $30,000
Indy Star | 06 June 2016
Appeals court ordered the trial court to…

Secretary Without Honor: Voices
USA Today | 05 June 2016
How she has responded to being…

The Second French Revolution? or Just Major Civil Unrest
Armstrong Economics | 05 June 2016
This is to hide what is…

Pope Francis Reveals New Church Law to Deal with Paedophile Priests
Guardian | 04 June 2016
Bishops who fail to…

Free Speech: Under Attack, Curbs on Free Speech are Growing Tighter
Economist | 04 June 2016
It is Time to…

Obama’s Call to Expand Social Security Shows Sanders’ Clout
Bloomberg | 03 June 2016
How much…

Secret War: Error by Washington and Moscow
Voltaire Net | 03 June 2016
United States and Russia…

Obama Wanted to Cut Social Security. Then Bernie Sanders Happened.
Intercept | 02 June 2016
Obama Administration proposed re-calculating…

A Russian Warning
Club Orlov | 31 May 2016
Most of us will…

Pres. Putin Strongly Accuses U.S. Of Spraying Poisonous Chemtrails Over Syria
We Shape Life | 31 May 2016
Americans are not interested in…

Turkey’s Erdogan warns Muslims against birth control
BBC | 30 May 2016
Ensure the continued growth of…

Refugee Crisis: 13,000 People Rescued in Mediterranean in One Week
Guardian | 28 May 2016
Never really took off…

Donald Trump’s Eminent Domain Love nearly Cost a Widow Her House
Guardian | 19 August 2015
It wasn’t the only time Trump tried to…

The Killing of Osama bin Laden
IRB | 21 May 2015
Aspects of the administration’s account were…