Geopolitical – Week of 06.19.16


Ukraine to Face Consequences after UK Votes for Brexit
Ukraine Today | 24 June 2016
Head of Ukraine’s National…

Britain’s Decision to Leave the E.U. is a Warning to America
Washington Post | 24 June 2016
Things that will not…

First the UK, then Scotland … then Texas?
Mises | 24 June 2016
Twice as wealthy as…

Why Immigration Pushed Britons to Brexit
Slate | 24 June 2016
Twice as…

News and Views from the Nefarium June 25 2016 on the Brexit
Giza Death Star | 24 June 2016
Joseph P. Farrell speculation…

The Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning? – G. Edward Griffin
Need to Know | 24 June 2016
Beginning of a long and…

The Sky has Not Fallen After Brexit but We Face Years of Hard Labour
Telegraph | 24 June 2016
Unpleasant but…

The UK Is Trumped: Departs from the EU, Deeply Divided
Who What Why | 24 June 2016
Four takeaways…

The Brexit Vote Is No Triumph For Democracy & Here Is Why
Scoop NZ | 24 June 2016
Excellent discussion…

Brexit: Nicola Sturgeon says Second Scottish Independence Vote ‘Highly Likely’
BBC | 24 June 2016
Right to hold another…

Live Results: ‘Brexit’ Referendum
WSJ | 23 June 2016
303 voting areas reporting (79%)…

Brexit: What Happens if Britain Leaves the EU
Vox | 23 June 2016
Were able to move…

The Brexit Vote Is No Triumph For Democracy & Here Is Why
Scoop NZ | 24 June 2016
Excellent discussion…

When will We Know the Result of the Brexit Poll?
USA | 23 June 2016
But there won’t be any…

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Brexit (HBO)

YouTube | 24 June 2016
Albert Edwards: The Brexit Hoopla has Diverted our Attention from the Real Problem
BI | 22 June 2016
Missed that it has…

The Big Guns Are Out: Soros, Rothschild Warn Of Brexit Doom; Osborne Threatens With “Suspending” Market
Zero Hedge | 20 June 2016
Devaluation that made him…

Swedish Politician’s Death 13 Years Ago Mirrors Murder Of UK MP
Breitbart | 19 June 2016
Stabbed while…
First Brexit Poll After Jo Cox Death Reveals Stunning Result
Zero Hedge | 18 June 2016
Surprise – shows a big lead for…

There is an Incredible Theory that a Brexit Won’t Actually Happen Even if the Public Votes for It
BI | 14 June 2016
In theory, could be…

Britain’s EU Referendum: The Economist’s “Brexit” Poll-tracker
Economist | 06 June 2016
UPDATED: Interactive poll-tracker…

U.S. Presidential Election

Dozens of Clinton Meetings Left Off State Schedule: Report
The Hill | 24 June 2016
Secrecy and a questionable…

Clinton Failed to Hand over Key Email to State Department
AP | 24 June 2016
Never used a government…

Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton
Bloomberg | 22 June 2016
Clinton as too…

Donald Trump Outlines His Case Against Hillary Clinton
Bloomberg | 22 June 2016
“Politics of personal profit”…

How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump
POM | 21 June 2016
Dissonance which is…

Dennis Prager: The Immaturity Of Supporting Hillary Clinton As A Woman
Investors | 21 June 2016
Values, not the…

The Donald Trump Story You’re Not Hearing About
Bill Moyers | 21 June 2016
Major organized-crime figures…

Putin Crushes CNN Smarty Fareed Zakaria on Donald Trump and US Elections
YouTube | 16 June 2016
Known to misquote Putin…misrepresent Russia’s intentions…

RER First: 2016 TXGOP Platform Takes on Texas Election Fraud
Raging Elephants Radio | 16 June 2016
Strictly enforcing printing of…

FBI Just Created and Foiled their Own Terrorist Plot to Demonize Those Who Question Government
Activist Post | 24 June 2016
Great care to accuse Finicum…

They Are Putting Armed Guards On Food Trucks In Venezuela
Activist Post | 25 June 2016
Veneer of civilization that we all…

South China Sea Clashes Are Fracturing ASEAN
National Interest | 24 June 2016
Context, Vietnam is…

Syria’s Future is Disappearing
Pulitzer Center | 24 June 2016
Infrastructure has largely been…

House Adjourns Amid Chaos as Dems’ Sit-in Over Guns Halts Business
ABC News | 23 June 2016
Clashed throughout the…

What Bernie Wants (Not Me – No Carbon Tax!)
Washington Post | 23 June 2016
We want a tax on carb…

Deadlocked Supreme Court Deals Big Blow to Obama Immigration Plan
CNN | 23 June 2016
Crushing blow to…

Daring Filmmaker Oliver Stone Shakes US Narratives
Russian Insider | 22 June 2016
Efforts to get the truth…

Democrats Stage House Sit-in over Guns, Defying Republicans
Reuters | 22 June 2016
Not since August…

AEP: German Court Capitulates to Imperial ECJ in Landmark Ruling
Telegraph | 21 June 2016
Lacks the passion of …

U.S. State, Local Government Tax Haul up to $317 Billion in First-quarter: Census
Reuters | 21 June 2016
3.1 percent versus…

WSJ: Why Does the IRS Need Guns?
Oath Keepers | 19 June 2016
Agencies traditionally viewed…

Supreme Court Just Created a Full Blown Police State, End of the USA Cannot Be Far Behind
Armstrong Economics | 21 June 2016
Site is back up evening of 6.21.16…

Huge Scandal Erupts Inside NATO: Alliance Member Germany Slams NATO “Warmongering” Against Russia
Zero Hedge | 19 June 2016
Grounds to attack Russia when…

DOJ Will Censor All References To Islamic Terrorism From Orlando 911 Call Transcripts
Zero Hedge | 19 June 2016
Americans to stop…

Putin wants to ‘Re-establish Full Relations’ with Canada, says ‘Specific Steps’ Needed
The Star | 18 June 2016
Threat because they…

The Shockingly Corrupt Oakland Police Department Destroyed In 16 Tweets
Zero Hedge | 18 June 2016
Three police chiefs in…