Geopolitical – Week of 06.25.17


McCain & Neocons up DOD budget by $100 billion + Get ready for FAMIGA – F**k America, Make Israel Great Again
Catherine Austin Fitts | 29 June 2017
Paving the Way for WWIII…

Van Jones: Russia is “Nothing burger”– American Pravda: CNN Part 2

YouTube | 29 June 2017
More CNN Selling Soap…

Hidden Camera Catches CNN Anchor, Van Jones, Saying That the Allegation of Trump-Russia Collusion Is a “Nothing Burger”
Need to Know | 29 June 2017
CNN Needs to Sell Soap..

American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “Bullsh*t”

YouTube | 26 June 2017
Got to have Cold War II…

Censored: Putin takes American’s question live – Q&A highlights 2017

YouTube | 16 June 2017
Putin Goes Man in the Street…

Pope Dismisses Doctrine Chief After Reform Clashes
Yahoo | 01 July 2017
Internal Strife at the Vatican..

Trump to Senate Republicans: Kill Obamacare Now, Replace Later
Reuters | 01 July 2017
Campaign Promise Moment…

Evidence Of Trump Campaign Collusion Is Massive And Growing
Daily KOS | 30 June 2017
Claims and Counter Claims…

Russia, US & China Able to Join Forces in Tackling Global Challenges – Lavrov
RT | 30 June 2017
Let’s Make a Deal..

Fear and Loathing on the Afghan Silk Road
The Saker | 30 June 2017
The Battler over Central Asian Resources…

Maine Governor Orders Partial Shutdown with Budget in Limbo
Reuters | 01 July 2017
Dominoes are Starting to Fall..

Parry Awarded Gellhorn Journalism Prize
Consortium News | 28 June 2017

Real News Heroes…

Muslim Leader Urges Indonesians to Boycott Starbucks Over LGBT Stand
Reuters | 01 July 2017
Islam Votes with it’s Money..

Trump Says he is Sending Federal Help to Fight Chicago Crime
Reuters | 30 June 2017
Is Enforcement the Answer???

France’s President Says He is TOO SMART to Communicate with the Fools Who Voted For Him
Martin Armstrong | 01 July 2017

Mr. Global Hubris…

France’s President Says He is Too Smart to Communicate with the Fools Who Voted for Him
BBC | 30 June 2017
More “Let them Eat Cake”…

China’s Xi Talks Tough on Hong Kong as Tens of Thousands Call for Democracy
Reuters | 01 July 2017
China’s Control Plan…

‘Gross Interference with Domestic Affairs’: China Furious at Trump’s $1.4Bn Taiwan Arms Deal
RT | 30 June 2017
Pivot to Asia..

China Says Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong No Longer has Meaning
Reuters | 30 June 2017
Sesame Credit coming to Hong Kong???

Time to Outlaw Dual Citizenship
CAF | 02 July 2017
Time for a Reckoning…

Central Banks Should Look Abroad For Talent
Bloomberg | 21 June 2017
Central Bank Cadre of Dual Citizenship…

Dual Citizenship — Loyal to Whom?
Educate Yourself | 03 December 2007
Divided Loyalties..

Sweden on the Brink of a Legal Crisis
Martin Armstrong | 30 June 2017

NWO Driven Cultural Extinction…

US SIx-Country Travel Ban takes Effect with Few Exceptions for Relatives
Yahoo | 29 June 2017
Halting Cultural Extinction…

Key House Committee Approves Curbing Trump’s War Authorization Powers
CBS |  28 June 2017

War w/o Congressional Approval, What a Concept!!!

$700bn Pentagon Bill Funds US Presence in E. Europe & Weapons for Ukraine
RT | 29 June 2017
NDAA Empire Preservation…

NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard
Consortium News | 29 June 2017
Russia-Gate, the Pot calling the Kettle Black…

Trump To Meet With Putin Next Week At G-20 Summit
Zero Hedge | 29 June 2017
G20 Putin Trump get Top Billing…

2017 G20 Hamburg summit
Wiki | 00 June 2017
G20 Attendees…

Cardinal Pell: Vatican treasurer denies Australia sex offences
BBC | 29 June 2017
More Denials….

USS Fitzgeral Tragedy Still Makes No Sense
NY Post | 24 June 2017
Dolphin hit by a Sea Cow Analogy..

Once a Model City, Hong Kong Is in Trouble
NYT | 29 June 2017
Hong Kong Impinged….

China’s Hong Kong at 20 – a Litmus Test on Whether the World can Trust Beijing
Asian Times | 29 June 2017

Eyes on Hong Kong…

Tillerson Blows Up at Top White House Aid
Politico | 28 June 2017
Exec Internal Strife Episode…

George Soros Accused of Trying to Oust Equatorial Guinea’s Government
Sputnik News | 28 June 2017
African Adventures of Mr. Global….

The ‘International Man of Mystery’ Linked to Flynn’s Lobbying Deal
Politico | 26 June 2017
Flynn’s Lobbying Connections…

Former Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute
Mint Press News | 27 June 2017
McCain Inst. is the Neo-Lib-Con Foundation of Choice….

EXCLUSIVE: McCain Institute Refuses to Disclose Big Donations
The Daily Caller | 26 June 2017
McCain Inst. hiding what??…

Google Fined A Record €2.4 Billion For Skewing Search Results In European Antitrust Ruling
Zero Hedge | 27 June 2017
Coming to Grips with Google’s Monopoly….

Once on the Outside, Conservative Koch Network Warms to Trump
Reuters | 27 June 2017
Koch Trump Love Fest….

Image of the United States has Plunged under Trump, Survey Shows
Reuters | 27 June 2017
Global Popularity Contest…

House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy
Photo of Luke Rosiak

The Daily Caller | 26 June 2017

Mystery Men of the DNC….

How The Fed Helps The US Spy On Foreign Governments
Zer Hedge | 26 June 2017
The Fed goes James Bond…

Hello President Putin, It’s Arizona Calling! American Had ‘No Idea’ Russian Leader Would Take His Question
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty | 15 June 2017
Putin’s Man from the Street segment…

Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retracted Story on Russia Ties
The Wrap | 26 June 2017
More Eating Their Words…

CNN Deletes ‘Fake News’ Story About Russian Investment Ties To Trump
Zero Hedge | 24 June 2017
Eating Their Words…

Russian Direct Investment Fund
Wiki |24 June 2017
RDIF background…

BBC Pedophile Expose’ Ignores Real Victims, Triggers Social-Media Firestorm
RT | 20 June 2017
UK MSM Defends Pedophilia..

Australia to Deny Convicted Pedophiles their Passports
News Week | 30 May 2017
Aussies and Others Crack Down on Pedos…

OOPS: Clinton Foundation Admits It Took $1 Million From Qatar And Forgot To Tell The Government
The Daily Wire | 23 June 2017
What Million Dollars???

Did the FBI Retaliate Against Michael Flynn by Launching Russia Probe?
Circa | 27 June 2017
Political Tit for Tat..

Supreme Court Breathes New Life into Trump’s Travel Ban
Reuters | 27 June 2017
Common Sense Ruling…

US-Led Coalition Must Stop ‘Very Dangerous Game’ of Sparing Al-Nusra in Syria – Lavrov
RT | 27 June 2017
Syria, Terror Double Standard…

Latino Homelessness Surges in Los Angeles
Undernews | 26 June 2017
Across the Board Homeless Increase in LA…

‘No New Bill’ on Russia Sanctions, Senate Violated Procedure – White House
RT | 26 June 2017
Trump Stuffs New Sanctions…

Tulsi Gabbard Pushes Bill to Outlaw Govt Funding of Terrorists
YouTube | 26 June 2017
Just Say No to Terrorism…

$1Bn Worth of Seized Narcotics Spectacularly Burnt by Thailand, Myanmar & Cambodia
RT | 26 June 2017
Global Flood of Drugs…

Seymour Hersh Leaks the True Story about the Pseudo-Chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun(Must Read)
The Saker | 26 June 2017

Most Recent False Flag Report…

The Technicolor Swan
William Kunstler | 26 June 2017
Spot On Commentary…

Trump, Modi Seek Accord Despite Friction on Trade, Migration
Asian Times | 26 June 2017
First Visit of Indian PM….

Missoula MT Fox/ABC Red Pill Expo Report
Fox ABC MT | 26 June 2017
MT Local News Coverage….

Red Pill Expo Replay
Red Pill Expo | 26 June 2017
Red Pill Avatars…

The Coup, Then and Now – The Enemies of Humanity Try to Give Trump the JFK Treatment
The Saker | 31 May 2017
Same Play Book…

Russia’s Still Targeting U.S. Elections, King Warns and Experts say We’re Not Prepared
Press Herald | 25 June 2017
The Argument for Paper Ballots…

Intel Behind Trump’s Syria Attack Questioned
Consortium News | 25 June 2017
Sarin Mythos…

The Fog of War
Welt Germany | 25 June 2017
Sarin Fog…

The Situation In Syria Is NOT Complicated?—?Here’s What You Need To Know
Extra News Feed | 10 April 2017
Corporations Decide….