Geopolitical – Week of 07.03.16

Comey Forced To Admit Hillary’s FBI Testimony “Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded”
ZeroHedge | 07 July 2016
YouTube | 07 July 2016
Wasn’t one because…

Gun Rights:

Obama to cut European Trip Short, Visit Dallas
WXII 12 | 09 July 2016
Clinton was scheduled…shootings from earlier…

Federalizing Police: The Future Police State
Infowars | 09 July 2016
How to stop…

Facebook Glorifies Dallas Police Massacre
YouTube | 08 July 2016
(Language) Facebook’s deliberate double …

Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says
NY Times | 08 July 2016
Bomb robot…

Texas AG Won’t Discount Multiple Shooters in Dallas Attack
Raw Story | 08 July 2016
Don’t think we’re going to know for…

5 Officers Slain, 6 Wounded, 1 Suspect Dead after Shooting at Dallas Rally
Dallas Morning News | 08 July 2016

Culprits Behind Dallas Police Massacre Revealed
Info Wars | 08 July 2016
People see they’re being…

Protest over Police Killings
CNN | 07 July 2016
Americans across the nation…

FBI Investigating After Cellphone Video Shows Police Fatally Shooting Unarmed Man in Fresno
LA Times | 07 July 2016
June 25…

Domestic Abusers Can Lose Gun Rights, Rules High Court
Governing | 28 June 2016
Writing that Congress intended…

San Marcos ALERRT Trained Dallas Police Officers
KXAN | 08 July 2016
First priority is to…

Woman Streams Aftermath of Fatal Officer-involved Shooting
CNN | 08 July 2016
Bullets into him, sir. He was just getting his…

Alton Sterling, Eric Garner and the Double Standard of the Side Hustle
Washington Post | 07 July 2016
Fundamentally in a predicament that is much…

FBI Investigating After Cellphone Video Shows Police Fatally Shooting Unarmed Man in Fresno
LA Times | 07 July 2016
June 25…

New Video Shows Two Police Officers Straddling Alton Sterling before Shooting Him
Daily Mail | 06 July 2016
One of the cops…

Korwin: People With Guns Don’t Kill People, Criminals With Guns Kill People!

Guns America | 05 July 2016
Sub arm…

FBI Background Checks for Gun Purchases Surge
Time | 05 July 2016
2016 is on track to…

CA Governor Signs Major Gun Control Bills: Mag Ban, ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Database for Ammo Purchasers, More
Guns America | 01 July 2016
Nothing to stop the criminal misuse…

Domestic Abusers Can Lose Gun Rights, Rules High Court
Governing | 28 June 2016
Writing that Congress intended…


How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis – And Why
Zero Hedge | 08 July 2016
Trading again…

Nato’s defence Goals may be Aided by Britain’s Exit
Irish Times | 08 July 2016
Ireland ponders…

The Aftermath of Brexit: A Humourous(?) Tangent: Jean Claude Juncker…
Giza Death Star | 06 July 2016
Message is never…

Did Junker Speak to Aliens About Brexit?
Vulger Trader | 05 July 2016
Those who observe us from afar are…

The Guardian View on Nigel Farage’s Resignation: an Unserious Man but a Serious Party
Guardian | 04 July 2016
Winning the vote have simply…


State Dept. to Reopen Clinton Email Investigation
RT | 08 July 2016
Probe is restarting now that…

Green Party’s Jill Stein invites Bernie Sanders to take Over Ticket
Guardian | 08 July 2016
Stein still faces…

House Republicans Push for New FBI Hillary Clinton Investigation
Market Watch | 07 July 2016
Clear intent…

Comey: Hillary Still Possibly Under FBI Investigation into Clinton Foundation
Breitbart | 07 July 2016
During her tenure as secretary, the IG’s office was…

Hillary, Email Free Pass, Benghazi
Jon Rappoport | 06 July 2016
Intent couldn’t be used as…

Ryan Calls for Barring Clinton From Classified Briefings
Bloomberg | 06 July 2016
After the convention, you get the full…

Rudy Giuliani: Hillary Broke The Law; “Gross Negligence Equals Extreme Carelessness”
Real Clear Politics | 05 July 2016
Accessing that data using an off-the-shelf…

Americans React With Fury: ‘If Hillary Doesn’t Follow the Law, Why Should I?’
Info Wars | 05 July 2016
Free American for a day, then…

Sen Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Above the Law
Time | 05 July 2016
Any career civil servant or military offer…

WikiLeaks Rolls Out Archive of Over 1,200 ‘Clinton Iraq War’ Emails
RT | 05 July 2016
WikiLeaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to…

Americans React With Fury: ‘If Hillary Doesn’t Follow the Law, Why Should I?’
Info Wars | 05 July 2016
Free American for a day, then…

Sen Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton Should Not Be Above the Law
Time | 05 July 2016
Any career civil servant or military offer…

WikiLeaks Rolls Out Archive of Over 1,200 ‘Clinton Iraq War’ Emails
RT | 05 July 2016
WikiLeaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to…

‘The System Is Rigged’: Trump Reacts to FBI Decision
Town Hall | 05 July 2016
Petraeus was punished for…

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment
Armstrong Economics | 05 July 2016
Prosecute someone else…

‘President Hillary Clinton?’ She Wants Progress on Immigration and to Drink With G.O.P.
NY Times | 04 July 2016
Real touch with…

Is Democracy Dead in California?
Huffington Post | 06 July 2016
Also won California…


Putin Haunts NATO Summit as Leaders See Threat on All Fronts
Bloomberg | 09 July 2016
Increase training of…

Operation Gladio: NATO
Wikipedia| 09 July 2016
Clandestine “stay-behind” operation in…

NATO Needs to Stand Strong Against Putin
Bloomberg | 08 July 2016
More credible…

Britain Readies for Showdown with Putin as It Stations Troops throughout Eastern Europe
Express | 08 July 2016
Louder than words…

Putin Warns of World War 3
YouTube | 07 July 2016
Left no one in any doubt…

Where is Vladimir Putin? Russian President Cancels String of Meetings after Extended Public Absence
Independent | 07 July 2016

Congress Investigating Attack on U.S. Diplomat in Moscow
Washington Post | 07 July 2016
Refuge inside the U.S. Embassy to avoid being…

Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists of War: ‘I Don’t Know How to Get Through to You People’
Russia Insider | 06 July 2016
Reeking garbage heap that is mainstream …

Vladimir Putin’s New US-Russia “Détente” Proposal
Global Research | 05 July 2016
Transponders on…

Letters and Memos between Former US President George Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair Declassified as Part of Britain’s Iraq Inquiry
News AU | 08 July 2016
Europe would refuse…

Families of Soldiers Killed in Iraq Vow to Sue Tony Blair for ‘Every Penny’ in Ground-breaking Lawsuit
Telegraph | 07 July 2016
Pursued through the courts for…

Defense Ministry to Complete Works to Seal Off Russia’s Arctic Borders by 2017
RT | 04 July 2016
Northern borders with a network of…


Washington Post Op-ed: War on Drugs is Tearing Us Apart
SL Tribune | 09 July 2016
Responsible for…

Rep. Corrine Brown Indicted in Fraud Case over Charity ‘Slush Fund’
Fox News | 08 July 2016
Vast majority…

ProPublica | 07 July 2016
Results of a $2 roadside drug test…

Chilcot Report Delivers Damning Verdict on British Role in Iraq War
CNN | 06 July 2016
Warned of the risks of regional…

Tony Blair Used Secret Fund to Manage Multi-million Pound Fortune
Telegraph | 15 April 2016
IIP trusts do not have to…

The CIA and Arms Deals in the Middle East
Strategic Culture | 04 July 2016
Jordan is deteriorating, largely because…

Baghdad Bombing Kills at least 200; ISIS Claims Responsibility
CNN | 04 July 2016
Brazen Saturday night…

Icelanders Vote to Join Boycott on Israeli Goods
Press TV | 03 July 2016
Obligations under international…

Iraq Violence: IS Bombing Kills at least 79 in Baghdad
BBC | 03 July 2016
Second bomb…

Burned Out Human Cages, Schools Packed with Explosives and Hate Propaganda for Children: What ISIS Left Behind when Iraqi Forces Drove Them from Fallujah
Daily Mail | 02 July 2016
Repair shops had been converted into…

Pentagon: 7 in 10 Youths Would Fail to Qualify for Military Service
Time | 29 June 2016
High school diploma…

Resolution: Calling on the Next U.S. President to Pursue Diplomacy with Other Nuclear-Armed States; Participate in Negotiations for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons; Cut Nuclear Weapons Spending and Redirection Funds to Meet the Needs of Cities
U.S. Mayors | 27 June 2016
2016 Adopted Resolutions…

Confessions of a Former Covert CIA Agent – Amaryllis Fox
YouTube | 16 June 2016