Geopolitical – Week of 07.14.13

Obama Ponders Canceling Moscow Talks With Putin
Associated Press | 19 July 2013
The White House is considering canceling a fall summit between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin…

Double Jeopardy | 18 July 2013
While the country processes the racial politics-inspired prosecution of George Zimmerman…

Q. “Did You Think The NSA Could Keep This Secret Forever?” A. “Well, We Tried!”
Zero Hedge | 18 July 2013
The backlash in Congress against the government’s monstrous spy program…

Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal
The Wall Street Journal | 18 July 2013
The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office…

CIA Will Now Openly Propagandize Americans
Infowars | 15 July 2013
Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s long term effort to control the news, has shifted into overdrive…

House Legislation Proposed to Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides
EcoWatch | 17 July 2013
Capitol Hill is buzzing about a new bill that aims to provide long overdue protections for America’s imperiled pollinators…

EU Takes Tougher Stance on Israeli Settlements
The Guardian | 16 July 2013
‘Earthquake’ directive will prohibit EU states from signing deals…

NJ Congressman Rush Holt Is Attempting To Repeal The Patriot Act And FISA Amendments Act
TechDirt | 17 July 2013
Just recently, we discussed Rep. Justin Amash’s plan to defund the NSA…

Greenwald Invited to Appear Before Brazilian Senate Committee
The Daily Caller | 15 July 2013
Glenn Greenwald was invited to testify before a Brazilian Senate committee on Tuesday…

Liz Cheney to Stand for US Senate
The Guardian | 17 July 2013
Liz Cheney, the eldest daughter of the former US vice-president Dick Cheney…

‘You Are Being Tracked’: ACLU Reveals Docs of Mass License Plate Reader Surveillance
RT | 17 July 2013
The American Civil Liberties Union has released documents confirming that police license plate readers…

Colorado Town Considers Licensing Bounty Hunters to Shoot Down Drones
The Daily Caller | 16 July 2013
The tiny town of Deer Trail, Colo. — barely more than a wide spot on Interstate 70…

Responding to Government Legal Demands for Customer Data
Microsoft On the Issues | 16 July 2013
Today we have asked the Attorney General of the United States to personally take action…

Hasta La Vista
The Daily Bell | 16 July 2013
Well, it has been a great ride…

Why the President’s ObamaCare Maneuver May Backfire
The Wall Street Journal | 14 July 2013
President Obama’s announcement on July 2 that he is suspending the Affordable Care Act’s employer health-insurance…

Social Security Starts Accepting Same-Sex Marriage Claims
The Hill | 12 July 2013
The Social Security Administration announced Friday that it would begin accepting benefit claims…

US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists, New Investigation Alleges
RealNews 24 | 15 July 2013
A shocking new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany…

Argentina Litigation With Hedge Funds; ‘US Could End Siding With Buenos Aires’ Says Washington Post
MercoPress | 14 July 2013
The United States Justice, Treasure and State Department officials met on Friday…

Report: Israeli Submarine Strike Hit Syrian Ams Depot
The Jerusalem Post | 14 July 2013
Sunday Times contradicts a CNN report…

Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years for Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms
Truth Out | 12 July 2013
Journalist Barrett Brown spent his 300th day behind bars this week…

‘United Stasi of America’: Light Artist Wanted by Berlin Police
Spiegel Online | 12 July 2013
Berlin police are investigating a light artist…

Senators Introduce Bill to Separate Trading Activities From Big Banks
Dealbook | 11 July 2013
Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday introduced an aggressive piece of legislation…

Survey Finds Law Enforcement United Against Gun Control
NRA-ILA | 08 April 2013 released today the results of an extensive survey of about 15,000 active and retired law enforcement officers…

Former AIG Chief Greenberg Sues Eliot Spitzer for Defamation
Yahoo! Finance | 12 July 2013
Former American International Group Chief Executive Maurice “Hank” Greenberg…

WikiLeaks Leaking Cash After Snowden-Inspired Surge Slows
Bloomberg | 10 July 2013
WikiLeaks is leaking cash…

Small Utah ISP Firm Stands Up to ‘Surveillance State’ as Corporations Cower
RT | 11 July 2013
Despite having fewer resources and a fraction of the customers that broadband giants like Verizon and AT&T boast…