Geopolitical – Week of 07.30.17

What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert It?
Intercept | 05 August 2017
Refusal to consider cuts in entitlement…

Democrats Fear Russia Probe Blowback
Politico | 05 August 2017
About what voters…

Mississippi Nissan Workers Reject Union
Undernews | 05 August 2017
Unions have long…

Newt Gingrich Rips Robert Mueller: ‘The Deep State At Its Very Worst
YouTube | 04 August 2017
Deep state at…Justice Dept. being out…Simple standard…

Lynch-Clinton Tarmac: FBI Lied
ACLJ | 04 August 2017
Talking points, however are…

Gillibrand Withdraws Support of Anti-boycott Measure
Undernews | 03 August 2017
Bronx, Gillibrand affirmed that “we are all allowed to…”

Winners And Losers When Trade War Breaks Out Between The US And China
Zero Hedge | 03 August 2017
Eight U.S. states are …

NSC Purge: McMaster ‘Deeply Hostile to Israel and to Trump’
Breitbart | 03 August 2017
Replaced pro-Israel officials with…

Trump Critics Say Latest Leaks Go Too Far
The Hill | 03 August 2017
Going forward on…

There’s More to the Trump-Kelly Relationship than Meets the Eye
NY Post | 02 August 2017
If Kelly can prove…

Trump’s Choices: Most Alarming Event of My Lifetime
Paul Craig Roberts | 01 August 2017
Prevent the military/security complex and its servants…

Mueller Impanels Grand Jury in Russia Probe: Report
The Hill | 03 August 2017
Sen. Graham (R-S.C.) and Booker (D-N.J.) introduced…

Russian PM: “The U.S. Just Declared Full-Scale Trade War On Russia”
Zero Hedge | 03 August 2017
The European Union…

Seymour Hersh: “RussiaGate Is A CIA-Planted Lie, Revenge Against Trump”
Zero Hedge | 02 August 2017
Reveals from his insider…sources…

Investigative Journalist Seymour Hersh talks Seth Rich and John Brennan
YouTube | 01 August 2017
DC Unit…handles hot…

US District Court Souther District of New York, Rod Wheeler, Plaintiff, v.
Twenty-First Century Fox, INC., Malia Zimmerman, and Ed Butowsky…

SCRIBD | 01 August 2017
Filed August 1, 2017…

Guccifer 2.0 is the DNC

YouTube | 01 August 2017
Keep the faith, “Muh Russia” is…

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law
Armstrong Economics | 03 August 2017
Began with taxes…

California Ranchers Revolt After State Sets Aside 2 Million Acres For A Frog
Zero Hedge | 02 August 2017
Regulated out of…

Former Justice Department Official Joins Mueller Team
Reuters | 01 August 2017
helped bring down President Richard…

Feel Cheated all the Time? Here’s the Reason — and the Solution. Time to Start a New Era of Trustbusting
Bob Sullivan | 01 August 2017
Problem in stark terms…

Scaramucci Falsely Listed as Dead in Harvard Law School Alumni Directory
Conservative News Feed | 01 August 2017
But he’s not…

Anthony Scaramucci Out as White House Communications Director
Springfield News Sun | 31 July 2017
Give Chief of Staff John Kelly a…

Federal Court Rules Unlicensed Pets are “Contraband” — Police Can Legally Kill Them
Activist Post | 04 August 2017
Equating owning an unlicensed dog, with…

Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression
NY Times | 31 July 2017
Planned for…

Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Guilty of Criminal Contempt
AZ Central | 31 July 2017
Sentence equivalent to…

Terrifying Video Shows Cops Put Teen in a Restraint Chair, Torture Him with a Taser
Free Thought Project | 31 July 2017

John McCain’s Absence Leaves Defense Bill in Limbo
Washington Examiner | 30 July 2017
Likely to be delayed until…

Saudi Arabia Says that Calls for Internationalization of Holy Sites ‘a Declaration of War’
Reuters | 30 July 2017
Foreign ministers of the four countries said…

Russian Censorship Law Bans Proxies and VPNs
Engadget | 30 July 2017
Makes it mandatory…

If Politics Seem Messy Now, Just Wait: Voting Machine Hack
Dollar Collapse | 30 July 2017
Voting is something that…

Trump Touted Wisconsin Deal to Cost State $3 Billion
Under News | 29 July 2017
Super-profitable Chinese…

Is Trump Entering a Kill Box?
Rasmussen Reports | 28 July 2017
Failed to produce a single…

From Cynthia McKinney: Here are the 246 House Dems and Repugs Who Place Israel Above the US Constitution
Congress | 27 July 2017
H.R.1697: Check your state’s representatives…Listed by state or name of Rep.

Bill Summary and Sponsors of H.R.1697 – 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act
Congress | 23 March 2017
Opposes the United Nations Human Rights Council…

From Cynthia McKinney: Here are the 46 Senators Who Want to Destroy the US Constitution and Put You in Prison for Advocating Against Apartheid Israel
Congress | 28 July 2017
S.720 – Israel Anti-Boycott Act…Cosponsors…

Summary and Sponsors: S.720 – 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act
Congress | 23 March 2017
Summary and Sponsors…

UK Is Sending Its Police to Train in Israel: Here’s Why It Should Bother You
Daily Sheeple | 25 July 2017
That suppresses…

House Passes New ‘Forever’ GI Bill
Military | 24 July 2017
Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational…

The Story Behind the Jerusalem Attack: How Trump and Netanyahu Pushed the Palestinians into a Corner
Palestine Chronicle | 19 July 2017
Israeli government announced…contrary to international law…

Key Takeaways on Americans’ Views of Guns and Gun Ownership
Pew Research | 22 June 2017
Tops the list of…