Eric Holder Owes the American People an Apology
Bloomberg | 11 August 2013
The Justice Department made a long-overdue disclosure late Friday…
Has Eric Holder Found Wall Street’s Nightmare?
Bloomberg | 22 August 2013
Why didn’t the U.S. Justice Department get someone like Leslie Caldwell years ago when it needed her?
France Urges ‘Force’ in Syria if Chemical Attacks Are Confirmed
The New York Times | 22 August 2013
As Western powers pressed the Syrian authorities to permit United Nations inspectors…
Gun Confiscation Begins in California
Infowars | 21 August 2013
As reported by David Knight, California law enforcement is now confiscating legally purchased guns…
The Byte Show Interview: Catherine Austin Fitts – What We Can Do (Right-Click to Save)
The Byte Show | 20 August 2013
Catherine is interviewed by GeorgeAnn Hughes of the Byte Show…
Egyptian Court Orders Mubarak’s Release
Reuters | 21 August 2011
Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak will leave jail as early as Thursday…
What WikiLeaks Revealed
BradleyManning.org | 16 August 2011
PFC Bradley Manning is a US Army intelligence specialist who released classified information…
Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years in Wikileaks Case
BBC News | 21 August 2013
The US soldier convicted of handing a trove of secret government documents to anti-secrecy website Wikileaks…
Japan Nuclear Agency Upgrades Fukushima Alert Level
BBC News | 21 August 2013
Japan’s nuclear agency has upgraded the severity level of a radioactive water leak…
North Colorado To Attempt Secession
Outside Online | 20 August 2013
Watch your back, North Dakota…
Citizen Koch
[arve url=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/66463890″ width=”325″ height=”242″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen>
Citizen Koch
A Film About Money, Power and Democracy
The Saudis Double Down
Urban Survival | 20 August 2013
Sorry if this begins to sound like one of our Peoplenomics reports…
Looking back on the Global, European and Greek (Post-2008) Crises: Interview with D. Polymenopoulos
Yanis Varoufakis | 17 August 2013
How did the EU profit from Greek indebtedness all these years?
Lunch with the FT: Emile Simpson
Financial Times | 09 August 2013
Hailed as a Clausewitz for our times…
State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control
Infowars | June 2013
Many Infowars readers and listeners are familiar with Free Mind Films’ first endeavor…
The Five Elements of an Open Source City
OpenSource.com | 11 June 2013
Which of these characteristics is most important to start a local open government movement?
Area 51 ‘Declassified’ in U-2 Spy Plane History
BBC News | 16 August 2013
The CIA has officially acknowledged the secret US test site known as Area 51…