Mass Rally in Venice to Call for Independence from Italy
Telegraph | 5 October 2012
Inspired by the nationalist aspirations of Scotland and Catalonia, pro-independence campaigners will hold a mass rally in the heart of the lagoon city on Saturday
Britain Refuses to Extradite Computer Hacker Sought in U.S.
NY Times | 18 October 2012
British authorities on Tuesday blocked a longstanding demand for the extradition of Gary McKinnon, a computer hacker wanted in the United States to face charges of intruding into Pentagon [and NASA] computer networks.
Syria: An Energy-Based Proxy War in the Making?
Casey Research | 16 October 2012
The Vietnam war wasn’t really about Vietnam.
Romney Tax Plan
Democratic National Committee | 2012
For a detailed explanation of how the Romney-Ryan tax plan is able to cut taxes by $5 trillion without exploding the deficit or requiring tax hikes on the middle class, simply click the button below.
Loophole Allows Saudi Arabian Businesses to Spend Freely in Our Election
OpEdNews | 11 October 2012
Some Republican bloggers have circulated what seems to be a complete dud of a story about foreigners donating discretely to the Obama campaign using credit cards.
Switzerland Arming in Preparation for European Meltdown?
RT | 12 October 2012
The Swiss Army is preparing contingency plans for violent unrest across Europe.
Secessionist Wave Sweeps Belgium Ending 90 Years of Socialist Rule in Antwerp
Global Economic Trend Analysis | 15 October 2012
In a vote on Sunday that is likely to have serious repercussion down the road for the eurozone, a Secessionist wave sweeps Belgium
Panama leader tells Germany he wants to adopt euro
Reuters | 15 October 2012
Panama would like to introduce the euro as legal tender alongside the U.S. dollar,
The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent
RSN | 14 October 2012
In the early 14th century, Venice was one of the richest cities in Europe.