Geopolitical – Week of 1.09.11

Vincent McCrudden, CEO Of Alnbri Management, Arrested For Threatening To Kill Members Of SEC, FINRA And CFTC
Zero Hedge (14 Jan 11)

Here’s The “Execution List” Posted By The Crazed Money Manager Who Threatened To Kill 47 SEC, CFTC And FINRA Members
Business Insider (14 Jan 11)

Boehner Opposes Gun-free-zone Measure (12 Jan 11)

Auto Makers Seek Help on Fuel Rules
The Wall Street Journal (13 Jan 11)

France is Our Biggest Ally, Declares Obama: President’s Blow to Special Relationship With Britain
Mail Online (11 Jan 11)

US Supreme Court Dismisses Obama Citizenship Case
The Times of India (11 Jan 11)


The Tucson Shooter and the Case for Involuntary Commitment
The New Republic (11 Jan 11)

Peter King’s Proposed Bill Would Ban Guns Near Lawmakers
Politico (11 Jan 11)

Must Read Observations On The Great Vega Short – Volatility, Tail Risk, And Sleeping Elephants
Zero Hedge (11 Jan 11)

Miriam O’Reilly Celebrates Ageism Victory Against BBC (11 Jan 11)

Tomgram: William Hartung, Lockheed Martin’s Shadow Government (11 Jan 11)

Gingrich Seeks Bill Allowing State Bankruptcy to Avert Bailouts
Pensions & Investments (10 Jan 11)

Sarkozy Takes G20 Case to Obama as Food Prices Soar
Reuters (7 Jan 11)

Senate Budget Panel Working on Plan to Help States; Bernanke Does Not See States Defaulting on Muni Debt
The Bond Buyer (7 Jan 11)

Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich
The Wall Street Journal (18 May 09)

Wikileaks are Like a Box of Chocolate
Graydon Head (10 Jan 11)

Human Microchips Seen by Some in Virginia House as Device of Antichrist
The Washington Post (10 Feb 10)

Algerians Riot Over Rising Price of Food
Financial Times (6 Jan 11)

Ron Paul: Fed’s ‘Independence’ Means Only Unaccountability
GATA (10 Jan 11)

Illinois Governor Flees Capitol Through The Basement After Disastrous Meeting On State Budget
Business Insider (10 Jan 11)

Virginia Creates Subcommittee To Study Monetary Alternatives In Case Of Terminal Fed “Breakdown”, Considers Gold As Option
Zero Hedge (10 Jan 11)

Carolyn McCarthy Readies Gun Control Bill
Politico (9 Jan 11)

Icelandic MP Fights US Demand For Her Twitter Account Details (8 Jan 11)

DOJ Sends Order to Twitter For Wikileaks-related Account Info
CNET News (7 Jan 11)

CBO Says Health Care Repeal Would Deepen Deficit
The Washington Post (7 Jan 11)

Attacking Public Employees: Will New York Lead?
Truthout (7 Jan 11)

The Texas Omen
The New York Times (6 Jan 11)

Truthout Report on Military “Spirituality Test” Featured by Keith Olbermann (Video)
Truthout (6 Jan 11)

Regalado Believes Police Are Watching Him
Miami Herald (6 Jan 11)

The Tyranny of Defense Inc.
The Atlantic (Jan/Feb 2011)