A Warning about the Paris Terror Attacks
The Saker | 14 November 2015
Pretext to…
Paris Attacks: Bataclan and Other Assaults Leave Many Dead
BBC | 13 November 2015
Residents have been asked to…
Migrant Crisis: Swedish Border Checks Introduced
BBC | 12 November 2015
Granted asylum claims per…
Did Russia Just “Gently” Threaten The USA?
Zero Hedge | 12 November 2015
Then the Russian footage showed…
‘Our Rage will be Relentless’: Syriza Faces Mass Strike in Greece
The Guardian | 12 November 2015
Recapitalisation of banks – which will further slash…
The Militarization of Space
Stratfor | 11 November 2015
YouTube | 20 October 2012
Why militaries are…
Putin: US Missile Defense Aimed at Neutralizing Russia Nukes, N. Korea & Iran Just a Cover
RT | 10 November 2015
Test of the ship-mounted anti-missile…
Portuguese Government Falls As Socialists, Communists Topple PM
Zero Hedge | 10 November 2015
Ousting Portuguese PM…
Video of the Day – Professor of Mass Media at University of Missouri Physically Threatens Student Reporter
Liberty Blitzkrieg | 10 November 2015
Devolved into ignorant, pro-censorship…
WOW: Read The Jaw-Dropping Email Police Just Sent Students At Missouri
Before It’s News | 10 November 2015
While cases of hateful and hurtful speech are not crimes,…
Seattle’s Plan to Save American Democracy — It Could Affect You
Who What Why | 10 November 2015
Encourages candidates…to woo voters…
Deep State at Home and Abroad: Mike Lofgren and David Talbot
Jesse’s Cafe Americain | 10 November 2015
bypass our three branches of…
Russia’s Intervention in Syria – a Reality-baseed Valuation
The Saker | 09 November 2015
Modern air-defense…
Appeals Court Stops Obama’s Executive Amnesty
Breitbart | 09 November 2015
Aggressively disregarded the constitutional…
How Does Your State Rank for Integrity?
Public Integrity | 09 November 2015
Based on the laws and…
A Map Showing Country Size Based on the Amount They Receive in US Foreign Aid
i100 Independent UK | 09 November 2015
On its military…
Catalonia Parliament Begins Process of Splitting From Spain
Sputnik news | 09 November 2015
State structures, as well as drawing up…
A Fifth Of Spain’s GDP Just Voted To Secede – What Now?
Zero Hedge | 09 November 2015
Could end up creating precisely…
Week Five of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Russians Are Digging In
The Saker | 08 November 2015
Deployed very sophisticated electronic…
Sweden: Test Case for the New Utopia
Jon Rappoport | 06 November 2015
Obviously, we are talking about…
CIA, Saudis To Give “Select” Syrian Militants Weapons Capable Of Downing Commercial Airliners
Zero Hedge | 05 November 2015
CIA is working with the Saudis to…
Refugee Resettlement Watch
Refugee Resettlement Watch | 07 November 2015
US refugee resettlement contracting agency and Madeleine Albright…
Eurozone Crosses Rubicon as Portugal’s Anti-euro Left Banned from Power
Telegraph | 23 October 2015
Crisis looms after…