Geopolitical – Week of 11.12.17

symbol of geopolitics the world globe with chess pieces

John Kerry and Prince Charles kill the Israeli Project
Veterans Today | 16 November 2017
Kerry produced another devastating attack on the Israeli…

Larry Wilkerson – Divest from the War Machine Summit

YouTube | 14 November 2017

Roseanne Barr Warns Globalist Swamp that Child Trafficking Network is about to be Exposed
The Duran | 13 November 2017
Stunning revelations…

Germany Replaces US as most Respected Country
Undernews | 17 November 2017
Power and quality of…

The U.S. Flooded One of Houston’s Richest Neighborhoods to Save Everyone ElseBloomberg | 17 November 2017
Hard Decisions were made…

Libya’s Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew
Zero Hedge | 16 November 2017
That NATO’s…

Money Diaries, Where Millennial Women Go to Judge One Another’s Spending Habits
New Yorker | 16 November 2017
Step to getting your financial…

Senate to Add Obamacare Repeal to Tax Bill
Daily Bellwether | 15 November 2017

Venezuela Signs $3.2 Billion Debt Restructuring Deal With Russia
Infowars | 15 November 2017
Throws a…

Israel’s Money Machine
Information Clearing House | 14 November 2017
War crimes…

Saudi Arabia Agrees to Lift Blockade on Yemen as Children Face Starvation & Cholera
RT | 14 November 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller?’s Investigation of Michael Flynn Could Be More Damaging to Mueller Than to Flynn
Need to Know | 13 November 2017
Closed down the FBI’s own investigation of…

RT files for registration as ‘foreign agent’ in US facing ultimatum from Washington
RT | 13 November 2017
1938 legislation was adopted to…

Duma Could Pass Restrictions Against Foreign Media this Week – Deputy Speaker
RT | 13 November 2017
Duma Council voted to…

Russia Squeezing US Out as Agricultural Superpower
RT | 13 November 2017
Conditions along with…

Dennis Kucinich Discusses the ‘Permanent Government’ behind US Foreign Intervention
Ron Paul Institute | 13 November 2017
Listen to Kucinich’s complete interview…

Will America Survive Washington?
Information Clearing House | 13 November 2017
We are experiencing the total…

Meet the Progressives Elected after Trump: America’s New Political Coalition
Guardian | 12 November 2017
Engagement with those issues that…

Rep. Mike Kelly Confronts IRS Commissioner on “Extortion” of Small Businesses

You Tube | 26 May 2016
Great IRS Roasting…

U.S. Towns, Cities Fear Taxpayer Revolt if Republicans Kill Deduction
Reuters | 16 November 2017
Future local…

Ross Backs Post-Brexit UK-US Trade Deal
BBC | 06 November 2017
Similar meeting will be…

Another Reason To Drain The Swamp: Sexual Harassment Is Rampant In The Halls Of Congress
Infowars | 16 November 2017
The corrupt career politicians…

Saudi offer in Corruption Crackdown: ‘Cough up the Cash and Go Home’
Guardian | 16 November 2017
Wished to “return Saudi Arabia to…

Corruption Trial of Senator Menendez Ends in Mistrial
Reuters | 16 November 2017
First high-profile…

Bill Clinton: A Reckoning
The Atlantic | 13 November 2017
Possible for politics and moral behavior…

Anatomy of a purge: MBS’s actions, Saudi Arabia’s crisis, and its coming collapse
The Duran | 12 November 2017
Saudi Coup Details…

The Saudi-Iran Brewing War
Martin Armstrong | 12 November 2017
The Next Domino…

House to Vote on Giving Amazon $53 Billion Deal to Become Main Pentagon Supplier
WSWS | 11 November 2017
Requires the Defense Department to…

Regulators Begin to Tackle the Craze for Initial Coin Offerings
Economist | 14 November 2017

Revealed – Saudis Plan To Give Up Palestine – For War On Iran
Information Clearing House | 15 November 2017
If the Trump administration is willing…

As Fools Fight to Fix a Broken Party, Gabbard Fights to Fix a Broken Democracy
Extra News Feed | 09 November 2017
Messaging on reform is unique in…

The Assault On RT America
Information Clearing House | 09 November 2017
Institutions tasked with defending press…

Senators Want to Expand the Background Checks that Didn’t Stop the Texas or Las Vegas Killers
Gun Owners | 08 November 2017
Why GOA opposes the background…

Regulators Begin to Tackle the Craze for Initial Coin Offerings
Economist | 08 November 2017
Difficult legal…

Mueller team won battle to force testimony from lawyer for Manafort and Gates
Politico | 30 October 2017
Alternative Motives Revealed….

Swiss Gun Ownership – The REAL Story

You Tube | 11 July 2017
Highly Regulated Firearm Ownership….

The Crimes Americans Worry About Most
Zero Hedge | 12 November 2017
Beware the Cyber Crime Boogeyman…

Toward a Ban on Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Surmounting the Obstacles
Communications of the ACM | May 2017
Linguistic obfuscations can…