Geopolitical – Week of 11.21.10

Give Thanks to Those Who Came Before us And Gave up Much
The Selvedge Yard (24 Nov 10)

Will The Government Shrink My 401(k)?
CNN Money (23 Nov 10)

Food Safety Bill Starts, Stalls in First Week of Lame-Duck Session
OMB Watch (23 Nov 10)

Have Some Senators Been Paid Off to Support S.510 – The Food Safety Modernization Act?
Liberty News (18 Nov 10)

Special Report: The Stock, The Web, The CEO And His Lawyers
Reuters (22 Nov 10)

Driving the News Agenda:Jones and Keiser
Financial Sense (22 Nov 10)

Ireland About To Turn Violent? Sinn Fein Protesters Try To Enter Irish Government Buildings
Zero Hedge (22 Nov 10)

What’s Really Behind QE2?
Seeking Alpha (19 Nov 10)

Hacker Arrested After Cracking Federal Reserve
Federal News Radio (19 Nov 10)

Oregon Senator Wyden Effectively Kills Internet Censorship Bill
The Raw Story (19 Nov 10)

(17 Nov 10)