Geopolitical – Week of 11.7.10

German People in Unprecedented Rebellion Against Government
Aletho News (8 Nov 10)

Republicans Seek Democratic Allies in Health Care Fight
Politico (12 Nov 10)

Newsweek, The Daily Beast to Announce Merger on Friday, Tina Brown to Have Editorial Control
Newsweek (12 Nov 10)

G-20 Steers Clear of Endorsing US Push on China
Yahoo Finance (12 Nov 10)

G-20 Meeting Puts Off Hard Calls on Trade Imbalances
The New York Times (12 Nov 10)

Pardon! Livinglies Obtains Wall Street Playbook: MERS to be Legitimized by Act of Congress
Livinglies (11 Nov 10)

Unions Tell Pilots to Avoid Body Scanners at Airports
USA Today (11 Nov 10)

Iceland Launches US Spy Inquiry
BBC (11 Nov 10)

President Obama Ready to Deal on Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy
Politico (11 Nov 10)

The Hijacked Commission
The New York Times (11 Nov 10)

Watchdog Planned for Online Privacy
The Wall Street Journal (11 Nov 10)

John Shimkus Cites Genesis on Climate Change
Politico (10 Nov 10)

Tentative Deal in Iraq Keeps Maliki in Power
The New York Times (10 Nov 10)

Wayne Madsen: China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California (10 Nov 10)

China’s Reluctance to Take Yuan `Medicine’ Hampers G-20
Bloomberg (11 Nov 10)

Panel Seeks Social Security Cuts and Higher Taxes
The New York Times (10 Nov 10)

More Federal Workers’ Pay Tops $150,000
USA Today (10 Nov 10)

U.S. Says Closing Ex-Goldman Programmer’s Trial Needed to Protect Secrets
Bloomberg (10 Nov 10)

Fed Global Backlash Grows
The Wall Street Journal (8 Nov 10)

Ron Paul Comments On QE2, Says Fed Will Self Destruct, Shocked That Krugman Has “Any Credibility Whatsoever”
Zero Hedge (8 Nov 10)

Obama Would be Responsible For Shutdown: Cantor
Reuters (7 Nov 10)

GOP to Use Debt Cap to Push Spending Cuts
The Wall Street Journal (6 Nov 10)

Life Under A Criminal Cabal
Erstwhile Urban Wanderer (10 Nov 10)

California Discloses A $25.4 Billion Budget Hole, Asks If It Should Pass The “Huge Challenge” To “Future Californians”
Zero Hedge (10 Nov 10)


World’s Largest Pilot Union Shuns Full-body Scanners
The Register (9 Nov 10)

Blowback Against TSA Grows
Personal Liberty Digest (10 Nov 10)

Angry Student Protesters Storm Tory HQ In London
Zero Hedge (10 Nov 10)

Special Prosecutor Declines to File Criminal Charges Over Destruction of CIA Torture Tapes
Truthout (9 Nov 10)

Mystery Missile Launched off Coast of California Caught on Tape Near Los Angeles (video)
Daily News (9 Nov 10)

Mystery Missile Launch Seen off Calif. Coast
CBS News (9 Nov 10)

Mystery Missile
msnbc (9 Nov 10)

Pennsylvania to Become ‘Gasland’?
The Real News (Nov 2010)

Ambac Bankruptcy Filing Imminent
Zero Hedge (8 Nov 10)

Powers of The TSA
Larry Becraft

Now in Power, G.O.P. Vows Cuts in State Budgets
The New York Times (7 Nov 10)

G.O.P. to Fight Health Law With Purse Strings
The New York Times (6 Nov 10)

Court Finds Bank Of America Can Not Foreclose On Property Which Has Existing IRS Tax Lien
Zero Hedge (8 Nov 10)

“Ron Paul Wants Dollar Backed by Gold And Silver”
Climateer Investing (5 Nov 10)

White House Signals Compromise on Tax Cuts
The New York Times (4 Nov 10)

Obama Heads to Asia, Hopes to Deliver on Jobs
The New York Times (5 Nov 10)

Mumbai and Obama’s Mission
Truthout (5 Nov 10)

Our Big, Fat, Invisible Wars
Truthout (5 Nov 10)

With The US Irrelevant, As All Eyes Shift Elsewhere, What Are The Geopolitical Implications For Europe And Asia In A Post-QE2 World?
Zero Hedge (6 Nov 10)

Killing Each Taliban Soldier Costs $50 Million; Killing Each NATO Soldier Costs $50 Thousand (5 Nov 10)

Myanmar Holds First Election Since 1990; Suu Kyi Still Detained
Bloomberg (4 Nov 10)

In New Memoir, Bush Makes Clear he Approved Use of Waterboarding
The Washington Post (3 Nov 10)