Chinese President Orders PLA To Prepare For War
Infowars | 30 December 2013
“Major changes” in Beijing’s national security situation…
Whither Net Neutrality?
Slate | 23 December 2013
The new FCC chairman appears to waffle on a key component of an open Internet…
As Special Jobless Benefits End, a Debate on What Next
Market Watch | 28 December 2013
An emergency jobless-benefits program due to expire this weekend would pinch the finances of more than a million Americans…
Obamacare is Supposed to Sign Up 7 Million by March – 365,000 So Far
The Burning Platform | 11 December 2013
The MSM is trying to spin the 110,000 sign ups in November as a fantastic result…
Judge Rules Against BP in Spill-Settlement Dispute
Charter | 24 December 2013
A federal judge on Tuesday rejected BP’s argument that a multibillion-dollar settlement over the company’s massive 2010 Gulf oil spill shouldn’t compensate businesses if they can’t directly trace their losses to the spill…
Food Behind Bars Isn’t Fit for Your Dog
Truth Dig | 22 December 2013
Shares in the Philadelphia-based Aramark Holdings Corp., which contracts through Aramark Correctional Services to provide the food to 600 correctional institutions across the United States…
How Every Part of American Life Became a Police Matter
Mother Jones | 09 December 2013
From the workplace to our private lives, American society is starting to resemble a police state…
YouTube | 13 September 2013
Four Horsemen is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works…
Snowden Delivers Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message
Channel 4 News | 25 December 2013
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden delivers Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas Message, saying his revelations on privacy invasion enable people to choose how their governments are run…
113th Congress: Many Bills, Few Laws
Businessweek | 19 December 2013
As Congress prepares to head home for the holidays, a tally of one of the least productive years in history…
Obama Repeals ObamaCare
The Wall Street Journal | 22 December 2013
Under pressure from Senate Democrats, the President partly suspends the individual mandate…
Japan and National Security: Island Defence
The Economist | 16 December 2013
The timing could hardly have been better…
Delbert Tibbs, Death-row Survivor, Died on November 23rd, Aged 74
The Economist | 18 December 2013
When the state police stopped him in Florida that day in February 1974, Delbert Tibbs didn’t have a very straight story…