Geopolitical – Week of 2.12.12

Fears Of Permanent And Dangerous Fracture In New Zealand (17 Feb 12)

Graham Doesn’t Believe Clapper: ‘I’m Very Convinced’ Iran Is Building Nuclear Weapons
Information Clearing House (16 Feb 12)

(16 Feb 12)

The Following is a Letter From Dimitri’s Sister in Greece:
The Real News (16 Feb 12)

Honduras Prison Fire Kills More Than 350 Inmates
Reuters (15 Feb 12)

Michigan’s Hostile Takeover
Mother Jones (15 Feb 12)

Private Prison Company Offers to Buy 48 States’ Prisons
The Raw Story (14 Feb 12)

Cabinet Minister says US Sought Chaos in Egypt
7 News (14 Feb 12)

Congress Prepares Payroll Tax Cut Compromise
The Slate (15 Feb 12)

First Iran-Made Fuel Rods Loaded Into Tehran Nuclear Reactor
The Slate (15 Feb 12)

Ponzi Schemer Stanford’s Campaign Dollars Not Returned By Obama, Other Politicians
Huffington Post (14 Feb 12)

John Robb: Four Sources of Trust, Crypto Not Scaling…. (9 Feb 12)

What The SEC-SIPC Lawsuit Is All About

Never Say Things Can Not Get Much Worse….Clinton to World Bank?
Reuters (9 June 11)

Apple Admits it Has a Human Rights Problem
The Independent (15 Feb 12)

Williams: Fed Must Keep Policy Throttle ‘Wide Open’
Reuters (14 Feb 12)

FBI: 9/11 Truthers Should Be Treated As Possible Terrorists
The Intel Hub (13 Feb 12)

The List OF 75 US Senators Who Voted To Let 30,000 Drones Shoot Americans In The Streets
Video Rebel’s Blog (12 Feb 12)

New Zealand On the Law Commission Plan to Scrap Jury Trials (14 Feb 12)

Obama Proposes $800 million in Aid for “Arab Spring”
Reuters (13 Feb 12)

Greek Lawmakers Approve Austerity Bill as Athens Burns
Reuters (12 Feb 12)

On Eve of Caucus, a Different Boom in Iowa: Real Estate Prices Soar for Farmland
MSNBC (2 Jan 12)

Goodbye, State Funding for California Libraries
KALW (5 Feb 1)

Oldie But Goodie – Ron Paul Conspiracy Theory

(3 Jan 12)

Maine GOP Chairman says Romney Wins Caucuses (11 Feb 12)

Two Great Tours – Starts Monday 13th Feb
Madge, Australia (10 Feb 12)

Nathaniel Rothschild Loses High Court Libel Battle
The Telegraph (12 Feb 12)

Montenegro Recognizes Jewish Community as Official Minority
JTA (5 Feb 12)

Montenegro Bought by Rothschild Family
The Balkan Chronicle (1 Dec 11)