Geopolitical – Week of 2.14.10

Life is Elsewhere
PressEurop (17 Feb 10)

School Accused of Off-Campus Webcam Spying
CNet News (18 Feb 10)

Positioning Your Assets for Growth in Uncertain Times

Utah House Votes to Not Comply With Real ID Act (18 Feb 10)

Daniel Rubin: Another Case of TSA Overkill
Philadelphia Inquirer (15 Feb 10)

Peek Into Netflix Queues
New York TImes (1 Jan 10)
TSA to Swab Airline Passenger’s Hands in Search For Explosives
CNN Travel (17 Feb 10)

Rep. Bass Introduces Resolution in Support of Constitutional County Sheriffs
Tenth Amendment Center (14 Feb 10)

French Government Queries US re
50s Secret LSD Experiment

Rense (09 Feb 10)

Bachmann Calls For Health Care Independence And Her Own (Shorter) Bill
Talking Point Memo (27 Jan 10)

Iraq Orders Former Blackwater Security Guards Out (10 Feb 10)

Promises, Promises: Jobs Bill Short On Making Jobs
Yahoo News (11 Feb 10)

WellPoint Insurance Hike Becomes Target For Obama
Associated Press (11 Feb 10)

Nick Turse, America’s Shadowy Base World (09 Feb 10)

It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is A Police State (09 Feb 10)

Have Americans Traded Freedom For Security?
Anti War (26 Dec 09)