Geopolitical – Week of 2.20.11

Outrage, Anxiety After Providence Mayor ‘Fires’ Almost 2,000 Teachers
CNN (25 Feb 11)

Indebted Irish Take Revenge in Crisis Poll
Reuters (25 Feb 11)

Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin, Falls For Phone Prank
The Guardian (24 Feb 11)

Mp3 of Crank Call With Governor Scott Walker
WSJ Radio

General Ordering Probe Into Report of Mind Tricks
Yahoo News (24 Feb 11)

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators
RollingStone (23 Feb 11)

Obama: DOMA Unconstitutional, DOJ Should Stop Defending In Court
The Huffington Post (24 Feb 11)

London Court Grants Swedish Request to Extradite Assange
The New York Times (24 Feb 11)

Court Agrees Assange Extradition to Sweden
Reuters (24 Feb 11)

Barclays Beats Lehman in £6.8 Billion “Windfall” Suit
Reuters (23 Feb 11)

David Becker, Top SEC Lawyer, Received Fraudulent Madoff Profits, Trustee Says
The Huffington Post (23 Feb 11)

Chicago’s Next Mayor: Emanuel
Chicago Tribune (23 Feb 11)

Protests in Bahrain Become Test of Wills
The New York Times (22 Feb 11)

Republicans Float $2 billion a Week in Cuts
Politico (23 Feb 11)

Boehner Says House Would Seek to Avert Shutdown
Reuters (22 Feb 11)

Exodus: Dems Trigger Statehouse Showdown (22 Feb 11)

Rahm Emanuel Wins Chicago Mayor Race
Los Angeles Times (23 Feb 11)

Bill Calls for Illegals to Be Dumped at Offices of Congressmen
News Radio 1200 WOAI (22 Feb 11)

Gene Sharp: Author of The Nonviolent Revolution Rulebook
BBC (21 Feb 11)

Recall Of Miami-Dade Mayor And Commissioners Moves Forward
Just News (25 Oct 10)

Citizen Wants Recall Vote for Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez
First Coast News (21 Dec 10)

Miami-Dade Mayor Sues to Block March Recall Vote
WCTV (5 Feb 11)

Catherine Austin Fitts: “Financial Coup d’Etat!!” – Alex Jones Tv 2/3

Catherine Austin Fitts: “Financial Coup d’Etat!!” – Alex Jones Tv 3/3

Pennsylvania Judge Convicted in Alleged ‘Kids for Cash’ Scheme
Black Listed News (22 Feb 11)

Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North
African Markets

Puppetworld Post (22 Feb 11)

Indiana Democrats Flee State To Block Anti-Union Bill: Reports
The Huffington Post (22 Feb 11)

American Held in Pakistan Worked for CIA, U.S. Officials Say
The Wall Street Journal (22 Feb 11)

Supreme Court: Vaccine Makers Cannot be Sued
MSNBC (22 Feb 11)

Black Ops: How HBGary Wrote Backdoors For The Government
Wired (21 Feb 11)

Number of Solidly Democratic States Cut in Half From ’08 to ’10
Gallup (21 Feb 11)

Egypt Freezes Mubarak’s Assets
Yahoo Finance (21 Feb 11)

HI Lawmaker: Obama Birth Certificate Bill Tabled
Associated Press (18 Feb 11)

Why Labor Unions Are Essential
Undernews (21 Feb 11)0

Roger Clinton Update
Undernews (21 Feb 11)

“CIA Spy ” Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, Says Report (20 Feb 11)

Texas May Soon Allow Guns on College Campuses (20 Feb 11)

China Tries to Stamp Out ‘Jasmine Revolution’
Yahoo News (20 Feb 11)

Moroccans March to Seek Change
Aljazeera (20 Feb 11)

Daily Show: Respect My Authoritah

Government Shutdown Would Halt Many, But Not All, Services
Los Angeles Times (19 Feb 11)

Internet Companies Voice Alarm Over Law
The New Economy (2 Dec 10)

Google Comes Under Fire for ‘Secret’ Relationship with NSA
PCWorld (25 Jan 11)

Angelo Mozilo Will Not Be Charged
Emptywheel (19 Feb 11)

Nano Hummingbird Spy Drone Being Developed By Pentagon (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post (18 Feb 11)

U.S. Gov‘t Software Creates ’Fake People’ to Spread Message via Social Networking
The Blaze (18 Feb 11)

Cuts ‘Will Devastate Our Town’ (17 Feb 11)

Italian Court Throws Out Case Against Berlusconi Lawyer Mills
France24 (25 Feb 10)

Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow
Vanityfair (March 2007)