Geopolitical – Week of 4.17.11

BP’s Secret Deepwater Blowout
Greg Palast (19 Apr 11)

Jury Convicts Exec in $3B Mortgage Fraud Case
Yahoo News (19 April 11)

Positioning Your Assets for Growth in Uncertain Times

US Gave $6m to Syrian Opposition
The Australian (19 April 11)

Secret Memos Expose Link Between Oil Firms And Invasion of Iraq
The Independent (19 April 11)

FAA Chief ‘Infuriated’ by Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers
CNN (18 April 11)

Japanese Voters Call For Prime Minister Naoto Kan to Step Down (18 April 11)

Robots Find Radiation Still Too Deadly For Humans to Enter 2 Japan Reactor Units
Los Angeles Times (18 April 11)

Death Toll Climbs in Japan as Work Goes on at Nuclear Power Plant
CNN (18 April 11)

Private Property Returns After 50 Years: Cubans Allowed to Buy And Sell Their Homes
MercoPress (19 April 11)

Finnish Election Results May Spark Euro Jitters
MarketWatch (17 April 11)

Big Powers Scrap Meeting on Iran Nuclear Program
Reuters (14 Dec 09)

China and Vatican Break Ice in Burgundy
Financial Times (8 April 11)

Naming Names: Your Real Government
Land Destroyer Report (21 March 11)

White House, Treasury Criticize S&P’s Negative Outlook
Advisor One (18 April 11)

EU Prepares To Invade Libya With Ground Troops Under “Humanitarian” Hoax
PrisonPlanet (18 April 11)

Tax Advisers: Higher Rates Are Coming
The Hill (18 April 11)

Japan Nuclear Operator Aims For Cold Shutdown in 6-9 Months
MSNBC (17 April 11)

Tepco Sets Out Plan to End Fukushima Nuclear Crisis by Oct.
Bloomberg Businessweek (18 April 11)

John O’Brien Takes On MERS and BofA In Epic Showdown
MFI-Miami (15 April 11)