Geopolitical – Week of 4.24.11

U.S. Reacts Cooly to Palestinian Reconciliation
Reuters (27 Apr 11)

Reducing Influence Peddling in Government Contracting
Truthout (27 Apr 11)

FCC to Review AT&T Merger as Supreme Court Reviews Indecency Policy
Truthout (27 Apr 11)

Sony Faces Global Legal Action Over Data Theft
Reuters (28 Apr 11)

Greener Pastures at Home Entice Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs from United States
Kauffman (28 Apr 11)

Storms Knock Out TVA Nuclear Units, Power Lines
Reuters (28 Apr 11)

The Buying and Selling of the Pentagon – Part 1 / Part 2
Truthout (6 Apr 11)

Croatian Generals Sentenced at The Hague (21 Apr 11)

Watch a tornado rip through St. Louis’ airport
Yahoo News (25 Apr 11)

New Critical Problem With ‘Smart’ Meters: The Switching-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) (30 Mar 11)

Simon & Schuster’s Revenge
American Thinker (2 Apr 11)

The World’s Last Typewriter Factory Closes In India
Business Insider (26 Apr 11)

Gitmo Papers Reveal Hundreds of Innocent People Held and are Still Held
Real News (26 Apr 2011)

Paul to Announce Exploratory Committee for Presidential Campaign
GATA (25 Apr 11)

Ron Paul 2012: Last Chance To Rescue America?
PrisonPlanet (26 Apr 11)

Poll: What kind of president would Donald Trump make?
USA Today (25 Apr 11)

President Obama’s Cabinet: How Do They Rate?
Rasmussen Reports (16 Apr 11)

M.I.T. Media Lab Names a New Director
New York Times (25 Apr 11)

Tom Ferguson: Oil-Soaked Politics – Secret U.K. Docs on Iraq
Naked Capitalism (19 Apr 11)

‘Significant’ Item Reportedly Found in Search for Holly Bobo
FoxNews (25 Apr 11)

Impact of Gulf Spill Persists
Reader Supported News (23 Apr 11)

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops (19 Apr 11)

Arizona HB2573 Passes – CAFR Transparency Bill
Walter Burien (22 Apr 11)

Wisdom from Clear Thinkers on the Way Ahead
BusinessMatters (20 Apr 11)

Video: Homeland Security Black Helicopters In Drill Over Downtown Miami