Geopolitical – Week of 5.20.12

Biggest Act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History
The 2012 Scenario (24 May 12)

Iran Nuclear Talks End With No Deal; New Meeting in June
The New York Times (24 May 12)

Electronic Voting Declared Unconstitutional in Germany
The Money Party (15 Oct 09)

Judge Blocks Enforcement of National Defense Authorization Act
Mother Jones (17 May 12)

Africa: G8 Food Security Alliance Answers Question Hungry People Have Not Asked
All Africa (18 May 12)

Predator Nation
RSN (14 May 12)

Issues at NATO Summit (21 May 12)

‘Existential Threat’ to Western U.S. States
WND Health (14 may 12)

GOP Readying Attack on Extended Jobless Benefits
Kiplinger (18 May 12)

Thousands Protest NATO Summit in Chicago
Detroit Free Press (21 May 12)