Geopolitical – Week of 5.9.10

Obama Sends Bomb, Mars Experts to Fix BP Oil Spill (14 May 10)

El Pais: France Threatened to Leave the Euro
The Atlantic (14 May 10)

CEOs From Far And Wide Band Against Financial Bill Provision
The Washington Post (14 May 10)

Glenn Beck, Liberal Hero
Los Angeles Times (13 May 10)

Musings On The Treasury-Financial Complex
Zero Hedge (13 May 10)

Measure to Boost Capital Levels Passes Senate
Reuters (13 May 10)

Rating Agencies Face Curbs
The Wall Street Journal (12 May 10)

US To Fund Installation of Israeli Rocket Defence System
BBC News(14 May 10)

Wall Street Probe Widens
The Wall Street Journal (13 May 10)

California Now in Top Ten For Highest Government Default Probabilities in The World
Credit Writedowns (12 May 10)

Major Wall Street Firms Face Criminal Probe
Yahoo Finance (13 May 10)

Bankers Jailed, Sued as Iceland Seeks Culprits For Crisis
Breitbart (12 May 10)

Four Nerds and a Cry to Arms Against Facebook
The New York Times (11 May 10)

Video: Seymour Hersh Describes “Battlefield Executions” (11 May 10)

Alan Grayson: “We Beat The Fed”
PrisonPlanet (12 May 10)

US Senators Kerry And Lieberman to Unveil Climate Bill
BBC News(12 May 10)

NY AG Sues Money Manager in Madoff Scandal
Yahoo News (12 May 10)

Brown Quits, Clears Way For Conservative Rule
MarketWatch (11 May 10)

Bid To Storm Irish Parliament Foiled
Sky News (11 May 10)

Watch Sanders/Vitter Live In Advance Of The Sanders/Vitter Amendment Votes At 11:30 AM Eastern
Zero Hedge (11 May 10)

FDIC Approves Proposal for Large Banks to Write ‘Funeral Plans’ (11 May 10)

Gordon Brown ‘Stepping Down As Labour Leader’
BBC (10 May 10)

Census’ Job Total Is Absurd
New York Post (9 May 10)

Jury Slams Teva, Baxter With $500M in Damages
FiercePharma (10 May 10)

Bipartisan Support Could Help Food Modernization Act Pass
Eat Drink and Be (10 May 10)

Since Spill, Feds Have Given 27 Waivers to Oil Companies in Gulf
Truthout (10 May 10)

Chavez Hires Hundreds to Help Him Reply on Twitter
Reuters (8 May 10)

Class Action Lawsuits on 401(k)s 
Wealth Manager (12 April 10)

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Europe Prepares Nuclear Response to Save Monetary Union
GATA (9 May 10)

EU Ministers Agree on Euro Defense Package
GATA (9 May 10)

JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy (10 May 10)

Robert Gates Says Urgent Need For Big Cuts At Defense Department
The Huffington Post (8 May 10)

Greece Forced to Buy Arms: MEP
Daily Times (8 May 10)

Congress Refuses to Outlaw Insider Trading For Lawmakers
Yahoo Finance (5 May 10)


Is Israel Wiretapping America?
Truth Tellers (20 April 10)

Child Exploitation Investigator Found Killed in Home (May 2010)