Geopolitical – Week of 6.09.08

BP Statistical Review – 2007
British Petroleum’s review of world energy trends

Rating Countries for the Happiness Factor
By Marina Kamenev – (11 Oct 2006)

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded
Published by South End Press

Kucinich Introduces Articles for Bush Impeachment
By Jason Leopold – Scoop Independent News (10 Jun 2008)

Johnson Quits Obama’s Vice Presidential Search Team
By Julianna Goldman – (11 Jun 2008)

Israel Ready to Attack Iran
By Tobias Buck & Daniel Dombey – Financial Times, UK (7 Jun 2008)

Top Pentagon Scientists Fear Brain-Modified Foes
By Noah Schactman – Blog (9 Jun 2008)

iPods for the Global Elite
From Infowars (5 Jun 2008)