Geopolitical – Week of 6.21.09

Congress Considers Referendum on Puerto Rico’s Political Status
Truthout (23 June 09)

9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero Goes Public (22 June 09)

Thailand’s Train Services Cease as Workers on Strike
CRI (22 June 090

Felons Can’t Vote in Florida but are Free to Fleece the Public
Mortgage News Daily (24 June 09)

White House to Abandon Spy-Satellite Program
The Wall Street Journal (23 June 09)

Hi-tech Helps Iranian Monitoring
BBC News (22 June 09)

NSA Monitors Millions of American E-mails
Global (19 June 09)

Iranian Revolution Disguised as Protest
The Public Record (23 June 09)

In the House, It’s Peterson vs. Climate Bill
The Wall Street Journal (22 June 09)

Montana City Drops Request That Government Workers Turn Over Web Passwords
Fox News (19 June 09)

Reporter: NSA Analysts Spied on Own Wives And Girlfriends
The Raw Story (18 June 09)

Congress to Consider Allowing Marijuana Possession
MPP Blog (18 June 09)

The 300 Year Colonial Adventure is Over at Last, Which is Why Britain is in Political Crisis (17 June 09)

Petitioners Penalized $2,000 (17 June 09)

Review-Journal Resists Subpoena For Names of Readers Who Posted Views (16 June 09)

Number of People Driven From Homes by Conflict at All-Time High
Common (16 June 09)