Geopolitical – Week of 7.15.12

Iran ausschalten – Hillary Clinton & James Baker
YouTube 15 July 2012

FBI raids City Hall In New Jersey’s capital
New York Post 19 July 2012
FBI agents raided City Hall in New Jersey’s capital on Thursday, a day after searching the home of the city’s embattled mayor. . . .

Positioning Your Assets for Growth in Uncertain Times

Russia, China Veto Sanctions On Syria
CNN 19 July 2012
Russia and China vetoed a new U.N. Security Council resolution Thursday that would have imposed new sanctions on the Syrian regime. . . .

Chicago’s Teachers Could Strike A Blow For Organized Labour Globally

The Guardian 16 July 2012
If the fight to halt school budget cuts in Obama’s Democratic heartland succeeds it would be a huge boost for unions. . . .

A Victory For All Of Us
TruthDig 18 May 2012
In January, attorneys Carl Mayer and Bruce Afran asked me to be the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against President Barack Obama. . . .

The Last War Crime Movie Is Coming To Your Town, And Here’s The Trailer
Last War Crime 13 July 2012
Remember when the former VP was always in some secret, undisclosed location? . . . .

Every Click You Make, They’ll Be Watching You
The Age 14 July 2012
Data mining is no longer just for online giants – traditional businesses are now analysing . . . .

Tomgram: David Vine, U.S. Empire Of Bases Grows
Tom Dispatch 15 July 2012
“Due to government secrecy, our citizens are often ignorant of the fact that our garrisons encircle . . . .

China, Beyond The Hard/Soft Landing Debate
Humble Student of the Markets 11 July 2012
Imagine a country where a sector has dominated that nation’s economy and is deemed to be . . . .