Geopolitical – Week of 7.19.09

Honduran Coup Reveals Crisis of Democracy In The United States as Well
Truthout (21 July 09)

When America Said No!
Counterpunch (20 July 09)

Ecotowns Given The Go-ahead (16 July 09)

The Military-Medical Complex
Brasscheck TV (28 Oct 08)

Victorious Over Corruption Report Gag Order
WikiLeaks (21 July 09)

2012 Match-ups: Obama, Romney Tied at 45%; Obama 48%, Palin 42%
Rasmussen Reports (20 July 09)

2008 Voting Rate Down as Older Whites Stayed Home (20 July 09)

Turks and Caicos Islands Commission of Inquiry Into Grand Corruption, Final Report, Redacted, 18 Jul 2009 (19 July 09)

Blackout: Violence in France
The Brussels Journal (18 July 09)

Targeting Terrorists
The Wall Street Journal (18 July 09)

Doctors Demand Inquest Into Death of Dr David Kelly (13 July 09)

Turks and Caicos Islands Commission of Inquiry into Grand Corruption, Final Report, Unredacted (18 Jul 09)

Did You Attend The Inauguration?
View Gigapan Fullscreen

Inside The Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy
Michelle Malkin (17 July 09)

When America Said No!
CounterPunch (17 July 09)

Skeptical CPA
(08 July 09)

We Did it Anyway (8 May 09)