Geopolitical – Week of 8.14.11

US: Meet Verizon’s Newest Security Force: Blackwater (18 Aug 11)

Dag Hammarskjöld: Evidence Suggests UN Chief’s Plane Was Shot Down (17 Aug 11)

Whistleblower Claims Massive Pattern Of Document Destruction At The SEC
Business Insider (17 Aug 11)

In Defence of PIGS (17 Aug 11)

Bernanke Pledges to Screw Your Grandmother For at Least Two More Years
The Burning Platform (14 Aug 11)

Daylight Robbery, Meet Nighttime Robbery
The Nation (16 Aug 11)

Putin Says U.S. is “Parasite” on Global Economy
Reuters (1 Aug 11)

Military Joins Biofuel Push
StarTribune (17 Aug 11)

Clive Goodman’s Letter to News International (16 Aug 11)

Jon Stewart Scolds Media For Ignoring Rep. Ron Paul: ‘I Mean, F*ck That Guy, Right?’
Mediaite (15 Aug 11)

Democratic Senate Hopefuls Undeterred by Elizabeth Warren
Boston (15 Aug 11)

Author Stephen Glain: $10 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Since 1991
Information Clearing House (13 Aug 11)

The Rise and Fall of a Mob Power

Miliband Accuses Cameron of ‘Shallow and Simplistic’ Response to Riots (15 Aug 11)

Gov’t Pays for Empty Flights to Rural Airports
8NewsNow (11 Aug 11)

The Gorbachev Files: Secret Papers Reveal Truth Behind Soviet Collapse
abc News (13 Aug 11)

UPDATE: Know Your “Super Congress” Committee Members
ology (11 Aug 11)