Geopolitical – Week of 8.15.10

Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected (19 Aug 10)

U.S. Silently Tortures Americans with Cell Tower Microwaves
Now Public (2 Dec 09)

Israeli and Palestinian Leaders to be Invited to U.S. For Peace Talks
Los Angeles Times (20 Aug 10)

Haiti Awaits Ruling on Wyclef Jean’s Eligibility for Office
The New York Times (20 Aug 10)

Oil Plume From Spill Persists, Data Show
The Wall Street Journal (20 Aug 10)

Pitching Legend Roger Clemens is Indicted on Charges of Lying to a Congressional Committee
The Washington Post (20 Aug 10)

Barack Obama & The CIA (19 Aug 10)

Nothing Has Changed
Of Two Minds (19 Aug 10)

Pilots on Alert For High-flying Vulture
Reuters (19 Aug 10)

Senior U.S. Scientist Rescinds Previous Claim That 3/4 of Oil From Spill is Gone, Says Most is Still There
WireUpdate (19 Aug 10)

Iran to Launch First Nuclear Plant After Decades of Delay (19 Aug 10)


Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America
PRNewswire (18 Aug 10)

Daniel Rubin: An infuriating search at Philadelphia International Airport
The Philadelphia Inquirer (18 Aug 10)

Oil-Cleanup Estimates Draw New Fire
The Wall Street Journal (19 Aug 10)

‘The Fictional Basis For The War on Terror’
The Bloomington Alternative (19 Aug 10)

Somebody is Waking Up on the Legal Front
The Fourteenth Banker (18 Aug 10)

Goldman Sachs Sues Natixis in London High Court
Yahoo Finance (19 Aug 10)

BP Authorised to Replace Failed Blowout Preventer
Reutrs (19 Aug 10)

Colombia Suspends Military Deal With U.S.
Stratfor (18 Aug 10)

Commentary: Guns of August? (17 Aug 10)

Oakland: Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong (16 Aug 10)

Scientists: Gulf Oil Not Gone, 80 Percent Remains (16 Aug 10)

Senate Banking Committee Passes Livable Communities Act
Senior Housing News (15 Aug 10)

Lone Juror ‘Refused to Find Blagojevich Guilty’
BBC News (18 Aug 10)

Allen: ‘Our First Goal is to do No Harm’ in Gulf
CNN U.S. (18 Aug 10)

The Point of No Return
The Atlantic (18 Aug 10)

AP Poll: Obama at New Low For Handling Economy
Yahoo News (18 Aug 10)

The Office of Sheriff

Gates to Iraqis – We’ll Stay, Just Ask Us
The Daily Censored (16 Aug 10)

Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment Says “Shut Up”. Sierra Club Alleges Areas Were Solely Reopened to Limit BP’s Liability
Washingtons Blog (16 Aug 10)

Senate Food Safety Bill Has Bipartisan Support
The Atlantic (16 Aug 10)

Why Can’t All Credit Card Agreements Look Like This One-Page Piece Of Beauty?
The Consumerist (16 Aug 10)

John Bolton: Russia’s Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack (13 Aug 10)

Banker Pleads Guilty in Robin Hood-like Scheme
Chicago Tribune (12 Aug 10)

Charges Against Former Lehman Execs Imminent?
Zero Hedge (16 Aug 10)

Banks to Benefit Most From White House Program to Help Fight Foreclosures
The Hill (15 Aug 10)

14% Say Job Market Better Than Year Ago, 46% Say Worse
Rasmussen Reports (15 Aug 10)

Economy Remains Top Concern as Nov. Elections Draw Nearer
Gallup (13 Aug 10)

US Senators Press SEC on Off Balance Sheet Activity
Reuters (13 Aug 10)

The Rubin Con Goes On
Turthdig (10 Aug 10)

BP Cautions Gulf Coast Communities About Scams (14 Aug 10)

Army Report: AWOLs Up 234%
The Huffington Post (16 Aug 10)

Afghanistan Says It Locates 1.8 Billion-Barrel Oilfield in Nation’s North
Bloomberg (15 Aug 10)

Mideast Peace Needs Prophets, Not Yes-men (14 Aug 10)

How Private Prison Corporations Hope Arizona’s SB1070 Will Lead to Internment Camps for Illegals (13 Aug 10)

Recipients Screwed by New Social Security Formula
New York Post (12 Aug 10)

Sen. DeMint: Ratifying U.N. Children’s Rights Treaty Would Turn Parental Rights ‘Over to International Community’ Aug 10)

What Made America Great is Now Killing Her!
Innovation (Aug 2010)

61 Trucks Loaded With 300 Tons of Explosives go Missing in Central India
English (13 Aug 10)

Russian S-300s in Abkhazia Block Possible Israeli Air Route to Iran
DebkaFile (12 Aug 10)

Davis Willing to be Arrested if it Keeps Oil Fighting Assets in Place (11 Aug 10)

Gulf Coast Weathers BP’s Oil Spill, Mass Hysteria: Joe Mysak
Bloomberg (11 Aug 10)

‘John Doe’ Who Fought FBI Spying Freed From Gag Order After 6 Years
Wired (10 Aug 10)