Geopolitical – Week of 8.8.10

China Admits Only Foreigners Hit By Anti-trust Law
Yahoo Finance (12 Aug 10)

Judge Orders Wells Fargo to Pay Back $203M in Fees
Yahoo Finance (11 Aug 10)

Despite Charges, Rep. Charles B. Rangel Says He Won’t Resign
The Washington Post (11 Aug 10)

Fingerprinting Program Now Includes All Border Counties
Los Angeles Times (11 Aug 10)


Bill Black’s ‘Alternative’ to the Rating Agencies: “Get Rid of Them”
Yahoo Finance (11 Aug 10)

State Sues BP Over Refinery
Chron Business (10 Aug 10)

Colombia And Venezuela Restore Diplomatic Relations
BBC News (10 Aug 10)

FBI Laboratory Has Large Backlog of DNA Cases
Reuters (9 Aug 10)

Why The Productivity Fall May Mean The Stock Rally Is Toast
Business Insider (10 Aug 10)

Video: Wyclef Jean Details His Run for President of Haiti/a>
RollingStone (10 Aug 10)

Obama Signs Emergency Bill to Halt Teacher Layoffs
Yahoo News (10 Aug 10)

Elizabeth Warren Uncovered What the Govt. Did to ‘Rescue’ AIG, and It Ain’t Pretty
AlterNet (9 Aug 10)

US Engineer Sold Military Secrets to China
BBC News (9 Aug 10)

Pentagon Plans Steps to Reduce Budget and Jobs
The New York Times (9 Aug 10)

Fed Set To Downgrade Outlook For US
Financial Times (8 Aug 10)

BP Not Denying, Just Not Paying Nearly 40,000 Oil Spill Claims
The Huffington Post (8 Aug 10)

U.S. to Sell F-15s to Saudis
The Wall Street Journal (8 Aug 10)

Johann Hari: And Now For Some Good News
The Independent (6 Aug 10)

U.S. And Russian Militaries Team Up For Terrorist-Tracking Exercise
The Huffington Post (9 Aug 10)

Overview Of the Proposed Settlement -Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (“Wrigley”)
Eclipse Settlement (Aug 2010)

Unfunded Liabilities of State and Local Government Employee Retirement Benefit Plans
NCPA (28 July 10)

BP Relief Well Closes in, Eye on Weather
Reuters (9 Aug 10)

As Oil Spill Cleanup Shifts Gears, Gulf Residents Fear They’ll be Forgotten
The Washington Post (9 Aug 10)

Detainee’s Trial to be Peek Into War on Terror
The Miami Herald (8 Aug 10)

Across Nation, Mosque Projects Meet Opposition
The New York Times (7 Aug 10)

9/11 Truth Billboard in San Luis Obispo, CA (7 Aug 10)

Mass Strikes Loom In a ‘Winter of Discontent’ For UK Government (6 Aug 10)

WikiLeaks Interview: ‘We Will Keep Publishing Documents’
The Huffington Post (7 Aug 10)

Brigade Homeland Tours Start Oct. 1
ArmyTimes (30 Sept 08)