Geopolitical – Week of 9.18.11

Obamacare HHS Rule Would Give Government Everybody’s Health Records
Washington Examiner (23 Sep 11)

 Ron Paul HUGE Winner In Shorted Fox Poll (23 Sep 11)

Is the Saudi Royal Family Connected to 9/11 Hijackers?
AlterNet (22 Sep 11)

Why America Needs to Dismantle Its Security Apparatus: Real Security begins with Creating a Policy of Peace
Prison (19 Sep 11)

Republican Defections Kill Bill to Avoid Shutdown
Bloomberg (22 Sep 11)

Geithner: Europe Will Act ’With More Force’
Bloomberg (22 Sep 11)

Lawmakers Clash on SOX Audit Exemption
MarketWatch (21 Sep 11)

The Men Who Crashed The World
Aljazeera (21 Sep 11)

The Attack on Accidental Americans
Mises Daily (21 Sep 11)

Elizabeth Warren Puts the Kibosh on GOP’s “Class Warfare”: Nobody in This Country Got Rich on His Own”
AlterNet (21 Sep 11)

Welcome to Boston, Mr. Rumsfeld. You Are Under Arrest
Daily KOS (19 Sep 11)

Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi (20 Aug 11)

American Taxpayers Could be Forced to Foot The Bill if Fed’s Bailout of Faltering Eurozone Turns Sour
MailOnline (18 Sep 11)

Jobcentres to Send Poor and Hungry to Charity Food Banks
The Independent (18 Sep 11)

Fed May Extend Duration of Treasuries With ‘Operation Twist’ Survey Shows
Bloomberg (20 Sep 11)

Protesters Invade NYC Financial District (18 Sep 11)

Chafee Issues Executive Order to Create Health Benefits Exchange (19 Sep 11)

Obama Wants $1.5 Trillion In Tax Hikes, Mostly On Rich
Forbes (19 Sep 11)

Obama, Paul Net Most Military Workers’ Campaign Donations
ABC News (Sep 11)

Back off Our Taxpayers, Flaherty Tells U.S.
Financial Post (16 Sep 11)

U.S. Jobs Crisis May Get Bloody
BizSmart (17 Sep 11)

Unemployment Rate Inches up in Presidential Swing States
The Hill (16 Sep 11)

President Signs Patent Reform Bill Banning New Tax Strategy Patents
Journal of Accountancy (16 Sep 11)

Kucinich Plans to Stay in Ohio for Re-election
CBS News (14 Sep 11)

Merkel Party Expected to Face Election Loss in Berlin
Voice of America (18 Sep 11)

Call It Your Online Driver’s License
The New York Times (17 Sep 11)

Runaway Spending on War Contractors
The New York Times (17 Sep 11)

Tons of Weapons-Grade Plutonium and Uranium Missing Shipped
flying cuttlefish picayune (16 Sep 11)

(11 Sep 11)

(26 Aug 11)