How Can the West Solve its Ukraine Problem?
BBC | 03 December 2014
Western media and policy worlds have ignored…
Obama to Nominate Ashton Carter as Defense Secretary
Bloomberg | 05 December 2014
Examines the choice and any obstacles…
Disgusted, Russia Officially Gives Up any Pretense of “Dialog” with the AngloZionist Empire
Vineyard Saker | 04 December 2014
Expressions chosen by Putin really “tell the story”…
It’s Official: America is Now No. 2
Market Watch | 04 December 2014
This is a geopolitical earthquake with a high…
Putin Signs Russian Budget for Next Year Based on $100 Oil Price
The Moscow Times| 03 December 2014
The 2015 budget will record a deficit of…
How I was censored by The Guardian for writing about Israel’s war for Gaza’s Gas
Medium | 03 December 2014
To illustrate the sheer absurdity…
What They’re Saying about Ashton Carter, Defense Secretary Nominee
Forbes | 03 December 2014
At this point the defense secretary job is…
Ashton Carter
Wikipedia | 05 December 2014
Ashton Baldwin Carter is…
A Eurasian Gas Bombshell
Oriental Review | 03 December 2014
Turkish leaders have long dreamed…
Reid backs Boehner on Deal to Avoid Government Shutdown
The Hill | 02 December 2014
Leadership is “asking us to fund the president’s…
WTO Celebrates Major Deal which Puts Trade Negotiations ‘Back on Track’
Merco Press | 02 December 2014
“Once in force, it will help developing…
Putin Kills “South Stream” Pipeline, Will Build New Massive Pipeline to Turkey Instead
Zero Hedge | 01 December 2014
Russia already meets around
Should The Times Have ‘Left It Out’ — and What, Exactly, Was ‘It’?
New York Times | 01 December 2014
The coverage from Ferguson, he said, has been…
Obama Offers New Standards on Police Gear
New York Times | 01 December 2014
The militarization of police has been part of…
Oil Shock Streaks Across Globe From Moscow to Tehran to Caracas. Ready for $40?
Bloomberg | 01 December 2014
The world’s largest producer, can no longer…
Swiss Say Foreign Millionaires are Still Welcome After Vote
Bloomberg | 30 November 2014
Swiss voters refused to…
Instability, Here We Come
Dollar Collapse | 30 November 2014
If everything but equities is being sucked into…
European Union Grants Budget Laggards More Time to Meet Deficit Rules
DW | 28 November 2014
Other countries also found at risk…