My colleagues at GATA (Chairman Bill Murphy and Treasurer Chris Powell above) have done an extraordinary job of documenting manipulation of the gold market. By so doing, they have helped private investors around the world protect their businesses and family savings.
For the last year, GATA has used Freedom of Information requests to wrest admissions from the Federal Reserve. Now, we have asked our attorneys to prepare a lawsuit to hold the Federal Reserve system accountable to the full transparency required by law.
Gold Newsletter urges support for GATA and its lawsuit vs. Fed.
To help GATA raise money, Solari is offering to donate $75 for every annual subscription to The Solari Report we receive between now and the end of October.
Here is your chance to get The Solari Report at the lower annual cost and make a generous donation to GATA. Just click here to subscribe.
Want to donate directly? Click here.
Low on funds? No problem. We need and value your help too. Say a prayer for the GATA team and send a link to this offer on to ten friends whose savings reflect the benefits of GATA’s powerful efforts over the last decade.
Ask them to forward it on to ten friends as well.
We so appreciate your good wishes and support!