Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

“Above all else guard your heart, for from it flows the wellsprings of life.”
~ Proverbs 4:23

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Globally, the leading cause of deaths is heart disease — approximately 7.5 mm deaths a year. Let’s call heart disease what it really is: a broken heart.

Globally, violence causes 1.6 million deaths annually. If you break that that down in the United States, 611,000 people die each year from a broken heart, 16,000 from homicide and 41,000 from suicide. That’s to say, each day 1674 people die from a broken heart, 112 from suicide and 43 from homicide.

More people died in France two weeks ago from a broken heart than from covert warfare and false flags.

This means that, globally, you should be spending (at a minimum) ten times as much concern about the risk of those you love dying of a broken heart than from violence. In the developed world, you should spend (40) times as much concern on protecting yourself and your loved ones from a broken heart as from terrorist acts or violent crime.

While I appreciate that it is hard to ignore the latest boogeyman, understand that one of the goals of the people organizing and financing these operations and the subsequent boogeyman media shriek-o-meter is to destroy your faith, your hope and your love.

Consequently, there is nothing more important you can do today than to nurture your faith, your hope and your love.

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