Haydn’s Creation Performed by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra

Sydney Opera House_325x241
 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth; and God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful all and multiply” ~ Raphael’s recital from “The Creation”

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Last year when I came to Australia I heard the Creation stories of the Aborginal people.

Last night in Sydney, I had the opportunity to hear Haydn’s magnificent oratorio, The Creation, performed by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

Billed as one of Haydn’s crowning achievements, The Creation, combines the voices of angels Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel with chorus and orchestra to tell of the creation of heaven and earth in six days and the story of Adam and Eve.

Every time I come to the Sydney Opera House, it does not leave my bucket list – it just moves higher and so I return again.

Can life possibly be this wonderful? Yes it can!

Related reading:

Sydney Symphony Orchestra

The Creation (Haydn) on Wikipedia

Sydney Opera House