Heads Up: It’s a Trap


By Catherine Austin Fitts

“The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.”

~ Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

We are watching a disturbing confluence of forces come together later this month.

First, there are repeated reports that the federal budget will not be finalized by the September 30 deadline. This means that both the new fiscal budget and a needed increase in the debt limit will be in flux when the Pope addresses a joint session of Congress on September 24. The next day he will address the UN General Assembly, followed by a mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia on Sunday, September 27.

On September 26, a final meeting on the TransPacific Partnership is scheduled in Atlanta.

On Monday, September 28, with the U.S federal budget still presumably in play, the following world leaders will address the UN General Assembly:

  • Obama
  • Xi Jinping
  • Putin
  • Hollande
  • Rouhani
  • others

There are rumors that Hollande will propose a Palestinian state. What is not a rumor is the UN’s new Post-2015 Development Agenda. This is being referred to as Agenda 21 on steroids.

Why am I concerned that the UN Development Agenda will pop out of the Pope’s mouth on a wave of highly juicy entrainment and propaganda? Or that it will land nicely pre-engineereed into the federal budget? Or that all the hungry domestic and global constituents will press for passage so that their October checks will arrive without interruption?

I’ll tell you why: because I have seen this kind of “sneak attack” before.

Let’s hope that my fears are unfounded. However, if you think HUD’s latest round of top-down control of local communities is bad, wait until you see the UN’s new agenda:

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