Housing & Mortgage Markets – Week of 7.25.10

Hank Paulson Wants To Fix Fannie And Freddie By… Recreating Fannie And Freddie
Businessinsider (29 July 10)

Mortgage Brokers to be Fingerprinted And Registered
CNBN (28 July 10)

Obama to Hold Aug. 17 Housing Conference on Ways to Repair Fannie, Freddie
Bloomberg (27 July 10)

Home Vacancies Rise as U.S. Ownership Falls to Lowest in Decade
Bloomberg (27 July 10)

The Russian Doll Version
The Automatic Earth (26 July 10)

Here’s The Story Behind The Worst June Ever For Housing
Business Insider (26 July 10)

Why Are Banks Withholding Highend Repossessions Over $300,000 From the Market?
Real Estate Channel (20 July 10)