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Catherine’s Interview of Jamie Johnson on Engaging America in a Real Conversation
Audio Chapters
1. Introduction – 00:00 – Money & Markets, Movies (Jamie Johnson documentaries), Interview of Jamie Johnson …
2. Movies – 00:15 — Born Rich and The One Percent – If you have not watched them yet, I strongly recommend them. In addition to being enormously entertaining, they ask many probing, human questions about the consolidation of power and wealth in America. Themes emerge which are profoundly important across our entire culture in America and globally. Do we want an economy in which we make money from innovation or political privilege? Do we want an economy in which we make money from helping each other or harming each other? Do we want an economy in which we make money from harming the earth or being a good steward? Government debt has financed a great deal of privilege and unproductive behavior across our society. As deficits explode, that is not likely to continue. That means we need a to be talking about how our money works. As Jamie’s films have demonstrated, talking about our money makes us very uncomfortable. …
4.Theme – 02:09 – Welcome to the Paradigm Shift – Shift in consciousness from a world in which we try to understand and predict what is going on to a world where we share responsibility to invent what goes on. …
4.Money & Markets – 03:23 – Libyia leader Gaddafi confirmed dead. Proved that if all the money in the world, wants you dead, it is simply a matter of time. Too many people can make too much money helping you get dead. NATO: to decide Friday to end the aerial campaign over Libya, diplomats say.
Billion dollars of bombing
– drove the Chinese out
– ensured the flow of oil to Europe
– made Libya’s rich resources available to the Western powers
Tremendous damage – expect a very high quality of living to deteriorate as oil profits are shifted to the Western powers from the local population. Qaddafi encouraging a lot of equity investment within Africa – shutting out Western investments interests. His death will encourage less local investment, more colonializations. As the son of an African, President Obama is a smart political choice to lead the growth of the American military presence and influence into Africa as America and Europe compete with Europe for the oil, minerals, water and agricultural resources. Central Banking System – Iran and North Korea – if you resist playing the dollar reserve game, best to have nuclear weapons. Markets continue go sideways, with gold and silver down on the news from Libya, not surprisingly. More resources for the Slow Burn are usually depressing on precious metals markets. Outpouring of stories in the growth and the size of student loans indicate trouble brewing in that part of the market. Mortgage rates continue at 4% and below. Reporting from Washington — A proposal to allow some creditworthy homeowners to refinance underwater mortgages has become part of settlement talks between government officials and major banks over botched foreclosure paperwork. California would be a major beneficiary of such a plan because it leads the nation with 2.1 million mortgages in which the homeowner owes more than the value of the home. Jim Rickards gave an interview last week that was quite intriguing – banks put in regulatory vise by governments through the bailout process. As a result will be forced to become the new china – finance the government. Underscores the importance of circulating capital to each other without going through the system. In that vein, note the report from Louisiana that they are trying to outlaw second hand transactions in cash. Question: Catherine, what are your sources in DC saying about the direction the “Super Committee” is taking? My Congressman CoChairman and he refused to say anything. NOTE: Say no to a Constitutional Convention
3. Solari Hero – 08:37 – Jamie Johnson Nothing more dangerous than bringing transparency to someone’s finances and privileges – across society. Particularly sensitive now since the adoption of GATT and the WTO, a fundamental shift in the value of capital and labor globally. Much of this shift is engineered through government and financed with government debt and as that bubble slows, serious questions are emerging about whether this shift is being engineered in a way that makes fundamental economic sense – let alone the cultural and spiritual ramifications. Takes a lot of courage to look at these issues, let alone to get us to laugh and open up about them. …
5. Interview – 10:42 – The One Percent: Sugar Moguls, fantastic; Children–fear of punishment, Nicole Buffet, Brian McNally–fear, Phillips – recklessness, Milton Friedman; Jamie’s Dad–not possible to change the world; “Jamie: If you are always hiding from the problem, you are never going to find any solutions”; The model is powerful and dangerous – How find solutions; see lots of rich people who are prisoners of the same model; the Syriana challenge: Allowed to be rich, but not allowed to touch the third rail; Why are we all so afraid? Violence, among other things. …
5. Up Next & Closing – 54:07 – Playwright, Patrick Shanley; Nov 13-Precious Metals Market Report along with Edwin Vieira, author of Pieces of Eight; William Tiller from Stanford University on Intention Research. …
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By Catherine Austin Fitts
This Thursday evening on The Solari Report we are in for a special treat.
Filmmaker and blogger Jamie Johnson joins us to talk about engaging America in a real conversation. Jamie has made two documentaries that are not to be missed:
- In Born Rich, Jamie persuades friends and family to speak on camera about what it is like to grow up in a very wealthy family.
- In The One Percent, Jamie explores “the political, moral and emotional rationale that enables a tiny percentage of Americans – the one percent – to control nearly half the wealth of the entire United States.”
[arve url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/JV34oF2EEvA” frameborder=”0″ width=”325″ height=”242″>
Lots of people make documentaries about important topics. It’s only a few that open hearts and change minds. When you watch Johnson’s films, get ready to laugh until you cry, squirm in your chair and pray for someone with your heart in your throat.
Milton Friedman was once sent to debate me on the NY Times blog and huffed off in the middle when he got called out by the assembled crowd. Watching The One Percent, I roared as Milton Friedman walked out on an interview with Jamie. Having a heart to heart communication about the core issues was too uncomfortable.
The more authentic human conversations we have in America, the better chance we have of transforming our situation. These conversations take courage and they benefit from a sense of amusement. Jamie Johnson has valuable lessons to teach us about what it takes to inspire them and how to participate.
I will start with Money & Markets. Let’s focus on questions for Jamie – post them here on the blog.
Charts will be posted in the subscriber section by Thursday.
If you have comments, thoughts or questions that you would like me to address, please post by Thursday.
Listen live on Thursday evening by phone, Skype or online, or listen at your convenience by downloading the MP3 after it is posted on Friday.
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