Jon Rappoport: Now Versus Forever

The following has been re-printed with Jon Rappoport’s permission:


The space of the NEW WORLD is here. To move into it, a person needs to have some idea of FOREVER. It isn’t just now, it isn’t just today and next week and next year.

We are talking about the provincial and shrinking view of space and time, versus the expanded view.

Imagination and creative action automatically expand space and time. The “little things” fall away. But more than that, a person who launches himself into creating his deepest desires in the world, and making them into fact, gains a new perspective, a new mind.

Creating your deepest desire isn’t done through a single project or action. You begin to feel: “I could do this forever. I want to do this forever.” And then you transcend the usual limitations. Then you are moving into your own immortality.

To put it another way, FOREVER is basically generated by you.

Religion calls this eternity, but religion spins a myth about how forever looks and what happens there and who is in charge and what rules you need to obey to get there.

Basically, religion is trying to co-opt your own notion of forever and make it into its own private property. That’s very OLD WORLD.

In tough times, people tend to revert to those religious rules and assurances and fall into line with the Myth. You could, in fact, say that tough times are invented so large numbers of people will sink into the Myth and give their future over to it.

It’s a perverse strategy. Fortunately, people don’t have to fall for it.

“Selling blue sky” couldn’t work unless people wanted their own blue sky in the first place. That’s the thing. But that blue sky is your own invention. It’s your creative urge and your imagination, put into action.



This is what gnaws at people. This is what makes them stay awake at night. The feeling that something tremendous is missing. And that something is their own imagination operating at full blast.

The world as it is, life as it is, the universe as it is, the future as it is, destiny as it is, reality as it is—all of these things are fabrications. They are fabrications that tend to obscure your own imagination.

Suppose someone said: “We heat taffy to a high temperature and then it loses its shape and starts to melt and flop all over the place, and this is reality, this is unchanging and eternal reality.” You would say, “Wait a minute. Taffy in that condition is very, very pliable. In that state, it’s not unchanging, it’s the opposite. All sorts of things can be done to it.”

Well, that’s what reality as it is IS. It is infinitely pliable, and what makes it so is your imagination and creative force. And when you get a glimpse of that, you also glimpse now and tomorrow and next week and next year as very minor factors in an unlimited space(s) called forever.

Forever is your preserve. You not only are forever, you make (create) forever what you truly want it to be. THAT’S THE ONLY WAY FOREVER HAPPENS. THE ONLY WAY.

This isn’t fairy tale, it’s hard fact.

Jon Rappoport