I have been asked to start a list of things that the President could do to improve the economy. I thought I would start this list and invite you into the invention room to add. Remember, we are in brainstorming mode, so no idea is too silly.
If you enjoy creating a real economic platform this way, we can then build the actions we can take before January 20th that would so shift financial power that it would become possible for the President and the Congress to do some of these things…even, eventually, all of them.
What do you think?
Here are a few items to kick off the discussion…
1. Require all agency and consolidated federal budgets and financial statements to be published on a place based basis, including all federal credit programs to provide place based disclosure on originations and outstanding liabilities;
2. Require disclosure of all intelligence agency budget totals and summary information;
3. Require all agencies to publish their contract budgets and contracts; provide aggregation for functions provided, including accounting, payment and information systems, so readers can easily determine which companies are paid to provide financial services, payment and reporting support for each agency and what companies have access to what data and information; for agencies subject to confidentiality as a matter of national security law, require publication of names of contractor and totals for each contractor;
4. Require each agency and the US treasury to provide a list of depository banks and services that handle government funds, assets and liabilities;
5. Develop a negotiated “jumbo waiver” process with the support of OMB and House and Senate Budget and Appropriation Committees to allow county or multiple county jurisdictions to reengineer federal government spending and credit within a given county (multiple county) area, reduce federal regulatory and administrative burdens and/or negotiate bulk purchases on defaulted and foreclosed assets owned by the federal government;
6. Outlaw the Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind; significantly reduce federal rules and regulations related to public schools; outlaw mandatory vaccines;
7. Direct the FBI to investigate funds missing from federal agencies who have failed to produce audited financial statements and recapture all funds missing, including asserting common law rights of offsets from responsible contractors and depositories and their senior management and boards of directors;
8. Outlaw the use of corporate contractors to manage government military, enforcement and financial accounting systems and payments; return all military, enforcement financial and accounting systems to an all government work force; return all military operations to all government work force (no private “armies’);
9. Pardon all existing non-violent drug offenders (users, not dealers) in federal prison; legalize hemp, legalize marijuana or significantly reduce penalties;
10. Shift ownership and control of the Federal Reserve banks to the US Treasury;
11. Determine legislative and regulatory steps to increase the viability of state, local and community currency systems; implement accordingly;
12. Require truth in labeling for all GMO food; outlaw GMO.
13. Outlaw computer voting;
14. Require disclosure for activities of the Working Group on Financial Markets and the Exchange Stabilization Fund and agents thereof.
15. Rescind presidential powers for the executive branch to waive SEC filing requirements for private corporations and banks engaged in national security
16. Outlaw the ownership of media by corporations who have material profits from sales or contracts with government or by private investors who have material investments in the same.
17. Require full disclosure by all political appointees of all private society affiliations.
18. Withdraw all proposals for a National Animal Identification System
19. Disqualify all contractors and depositories doing business with the federal government associated with funds missing from the federal government or for sex slave trafficking and systemic patterns of organized crime involvement.
OK, your thoughts welcome!