From: Catherine Austin Fitts
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:57 PM
Subject: Letter to Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner
Dear Mayor Miner:
I am writing to request that you ask your staff to investigate the case of Syracuse resident Calvin James and ensure that the actions taken in this situation reflect a municipality committed to the success of citizens and their local economy.
This evening the producer of Coast to Coast Am Radio sent me the following story:
The story indicates that Calvin James lost his Syracuse home when he arrived to make a final payment on back taxes on December 6th, after the property was seized on December 4th.
The news story in question does not provide all the facts necessary for me to assess the issues facing the land trust or the City in deciding what is possible in this case. What I do know is that if the facts of the case are as described, it should be possible to reverse the situation and ensure that Mr. James gets his home or a comparable one back.
I read with interest the recent comments posted on the Mayors Comments section of the City’s website regarding helping our cities be successful in the 3rd industrial revolution as well as your article on the Mayors Challenge Finalist: Syracuse where you propose that, “Syracuse will establish an identity as an international city by designing the blueprint by which to harness the talents and energies of New Americans, showcase diversity, and transform distressed neighborhoods.”
I believe that accomplishing your vision for Syracuse depends on helping ensure that honest, hardworking citizens are encouraged and supported in keeping their homes and living successful lives.
I hope that with some attention from your staff, you will be able to identify a pathway for Mr. James to help accomplish your vision for a better Syracuse.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. God bless you in all your efforts,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Former Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner
Syracuse Land Bank Rejects Request to Return House to Man Who Owed $936 in Back Taxes