Life – Week of 08.21.16

Brazil Olympics Recap: 10 Best and Worst Moments of Rio 2016
Telesur TV | 21 August 2016

Rio 2016: What were the best moments of the Olympics?
And who were the heroes and villains of the Games?

Independent | 21 August 2016
(U.K. concentric) Top five…

10 Best, Biggest Moments From the 2016 Rio Olympics
US Magazine | 22 August 2016
(U.S. concentric) Michael Phelps’ final race to Ryan

Heartbreaking Video of Dog Who Won’t Leave Master’s Coffin after Italy Earthquake
Telegraph | 27 August 2016
Striking reminder of…

4 Year Old Play Piano World Record
YouTube | 17 June 2016

American Journalism is Collapsing Before Our Eyes
NY Post | 21 August 2016
Naked partisanship by…

Charter Schools: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

YouTube | 21 August 2016
(Language warning) Pennsylvania has…

One Simple Chart Illustrates The Absurdity Of College Cost Inflation
Zero Hedge | 18 August 2016
Will be socialized…

8th Annual Martin Feldstein Lecture by Caroline M Hoxby, Stanford U,
Lecture Slides PDF
NEBR | 27 July 2016
Student college readiness and institutional resources…