MERS? It May Have Swallowed Your Loan

By Michael Powell and Gretchen Morgenson

FOR more than a decade, the American real estate market resembled an overstuffed novel, which is to say, it was an engrossing piece of fiction.

Mortgage brokers hip deep in profits handed out no-doc mortgages to people with fictional incomes. Wall Street shopped bundles of those loans to investors, no matter how unappetizing the details. And federal regulators gave sleepy nods.

That world largely collapsed under the weight of its improbabilities in 2008

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Related reading:

Court Rules Against MERS, Deems Mortgage Transfer Process Illegal
News Quest Online (15 Feb 11)

Solari Report Blog Commentaries

MERS Lacks Right to Transfer Mortgages, Judge Says
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Decapitalizing Housing
(4 Feb 11)