To maintain his or her standard of living, each person in the United
States requires over 22 tonnes of minerals each year:
* 5,640 kg of stone
* 4,250 kg of sand and gravel
* 430 kg of cement
* 125 kg of clays
* 180 kg of salt
* 140 kg phosphate rock
* 290 kg of non-metals
* 190 kg of iron ore
* 35 kg of bauxite (aluminium)
* 8 kg of copper
* 5 kg of lead
* 5 kg of zinc
* 3 kg of manganese
* 1 g of gold
* 13 kg of other metalsPlus:
* 3,500 kg of petroleum
* 3,500 kg of coal
* 3,100 kg of natural gas
* 150 g of uranium
Source: WorldChanging Archives
Originating Article: A Material World
By John Busby – Sanders Research Assoc (4 Feb 2008)