Money & Markets

Paulson Blueprint Promotes Insurance Industry Shell Game
Posted by Philip Mattera – (5 Apr 2008)

Salle Mae Affirms Outlook, Warns of "Train Wreck"
By Kevin Drawbaugh – Reuters (17 Apr 2008)

European Authorities Losing Patience With Collapsing Dollar
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (18 Apr 2008)

Investing Abroad Used to Pay Off Better
By John Waggoner – USA Today (18 Apr 2008)

Oil Surges As Investors Hunt An ‘Anti-Dollar’
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (17 Apr 2008)

Banks That Misquote Money-Market Rates to Be Banned
By Ben Livesey – (16 Apr 2008)

Banks Face Closer Scrutiny
By Peter Thal Larsen, et al – Financial Times (16 Apr 2008)

Court Case is Lost in Cauldron of Muni Market Woes
By Joe Mysak – (15 Apr 2008)

Iraq Qualifies 35 Companies for Oil Deals
United Press International (14 Apr 2008)

The 3 Trillion Dollar Shopping Spree

Largest U.S. Municipal Bankruptcy Looms in Alabama
By Joe Mysak – (11 Apr 2008)

Most US Firms Paid No Income Taxes in ’90s
By Warren Vieth – Los Angeles Times (11 Apr 2008)

Do You Know What Federal Reserve District You Are In?

Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo Warn ‘Delusional’ Investors on Stocks
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (15 Apr 2008)