Money & Markets – Week of 01.13.2013

Retirement Savings Accounts Draw U.S. Consumer Bureau Attention
Bloomberg | 18 January 2013
The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is weighing whether it should take on a role…

Rio Tinto to Book $14 Billion Charge; C.E.O. Steps Down

The New York Times Dealbook | 17 January 2013
Two expensive acquisitions have come at a steep price for…

Weaker Yen Starting To Hurt Japanese Consumers

Nikkei | 18 January 2013
Households are beginning to feel pinched by the weaker…

Russia Says World Is Nearing Currency War as Europe Joins

Bloomberg | 16 January 2013
The world is on the brink of a fresh “currency war,” Russia warned…

To Recover Just a Small Part of Germany’s Gold, Bundesbank Will Need 7 Years

GATA | 16 January 2013
The Deutsche Bundesbank’s plan announced today to repatriate…

Canada Pension Plan’s Investments See ‘Explosive’ Growth

Yahoo! News CA | 07 January 2013
Whether they realized it or not, many Canadians did rather well…

U.S. Investors Want Gov’t to Enhance 401(k) Accounts

Gallup Economy | 03 January 2013
More than eight in 10 U.S. investors (83%) say 401(k) and other…

Germany Gold: Central Bank to Bring Home Some Reserves

BBC News | 16 January 2013
By 2020, half of its gold bars will be in its vaults…

Muni Bond Group To Washington: Hands Off Our Tax Exemption

Forbes | 16 January 2013
If an organized group of municipal bond players has its way…

60 Minutes: March of the Machines

Financial Sense | 14 January 2013

All The Gold In The World – The Definitive Infographic

Zero Hedge | 14 January 2013
In the aftermath of the Chairman’s painful waste of time “interactive”…

Smaller Payday Trims Workers’ Splurges as U.S. Tax Breaks Expire

Bloomberg | 14 January 2013
Phoenix high school teacher Kenny Williams said he’s cutting back on…

Now Greece Bans Cash – Again

The Daily Bell | 11 January 2013
Greek Finance Ministry plans to put an end to cash payments.

Murderous Reform: A Plan to Privatize Postal Profits at Public Expense
Save the Post Office | 10 January 2013
The National Academy of Public Administration has released…